In relatively good shape for Hurricane Sandy. There is water off the end of the end of the hangar where you typically park and the front lawn is a bit soggy but otherwise, we are holding up pretty well! The runway should be fly able well before the winds subside.

I mowed on Saturday to insure all was ready for any last minute guests but its just me, Nick, and the Devestator this hurricane.
glen, it was short visit but fun. had to stop by as you were right along our path. safely landed at our lz. a good nights sleep sounds good after a looong day. :)
Turbo just curious were you a helicopter by KACY around 0630 pm? When CG lady was talking to approach.
Vman, yes, we passed west of acy about that time. How did you know? Not much out that way. The copilot was manning the controls. :)
Vman, yes, we passed west of acy about that time. How did you know? Not much out that way. The copilot was manning the controls. :)

I had a rider and we spent about two hours in the air. Went down low along the shore toward the casinos and were monitoring KACY. Heard CG helo was looking for traffic also a helicopter 1000' or so. Under outer Charlie shelf. We circled a bit then went "upstairs" and home. Timing was between 0600 to 0800 pm local.
we were there but not talking to anyone. basically following v1 to the west which would keep us clear of the restricted airspace. it was a great day to fly north. the wx is changing for the worst now. hunker down. get out your rain gear.
Wanted: pilots in vintage flight clothes

This year, the tilled soil at 53VG has been planted in corn. The crop is already 7' tall and quite heathy.

Last year, events precluded a special photo OP.

I'd like to recreate the scene from Field of Dreams but substitute pilots in vintage clothing for those historic ball players.

Ideally, a bunch of pilots and flight crew would all arrive one day to stage the photo. Barring that grand plan, I can take individual pictures and merge them once I have enough.

So, if you have some vintage aviator (or aviatrix) attire and find yourself in the neighborhood this summer, I hope you will pack the clothing and drop it!
53VG is anticipating at least a couple aircraft on 16-NOV ... One will be an odd bird from a distant land known as Tennessee.

Others are welcome. I don't anticipate anyone would go hungry :)
Hmmm interesting... and I have nothing on the calendar that day. What kind of aircraft would it be? The Stinson you were waiting for so long?

Hello Vlad!
That aircraft would be a French made STOL aircraft. I collect grass strips as often as the Russian Collector. I can't wait to see 53VG. I invited myself over and, as if that was'nt enough, I invited others.:) Glen has graciously encouraged my arrival and even offered food and lodging:)

My wife and I did try to meet you at Wynkoop, but you were too fast for us. That is the downside of STOL:mad:

We hope the weather is good for the weekend of Nov 16th.:)

Marvin McGraw
Hello Vlad!
That aircraft would be a French made STOL aircraft. I collect grass strips as often as the Russian Collector. I can't wait to see 53VG. I invited myself over and, as if that was'nt enough, I invited others.:) Glen has graciously encouraged my arrival and even offered food and lodging:)

My wife and I did try to meet you at Wynkoop, but you were too fast for us. That is the downside of STOL:mad:

We hope the weather is good for the weekend of Nov 16th.:)

Marvin McGraw

Nice! You will love Glen's spot Marvin it's always a party when we are visiting. I am not sure how large Glen's food stock is this year but it will be reduced significantly if all the cousins show up. We have to bring a dish to share the Farm has to survive long winter :)

Wynkoop? What row were you parking at?
The lunch menu will cover the first 12 people. After that, I'll have to start improvising. The improvised menu will cover the next 8. After 20, I'll need to open the bag of tricks (and that bag is huge).

I've yet to collect a single grass strip on my RV-7's resume. Lets make your field the first of hopefully many. I'm coming from nearby KDMW.

Looking forward to it!
Mike - 53VG is not necessarily the best choice for anyone's "first". The good news is the KMFV is less than a 5minute drive for me and I'm happy to pop over for visitors.

For everyone who hasn't done so yet, check out the information at

General comment ...
I love grass runways - there is something about the places where they exist and the people who gravitate to them. That said, most private strips do not meet the same FAA requirements as public use airports. Like all new operating environments - high density altitude airports, mountain flying airports, etc - its good to get some practice where there is a health margin of error. there have been some good discussions on VAF about short field operations, private grass strips, etc. Here is a recent one discussing the RV-7 & RV-9.
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Mike - 53VG is not necessarily the best choice for anyone's "first". The good news is the KMFV is less than a 5minute drive for me and I'm happy to pop over for visitors.

For everyone who hasn't done so yet, check out the information at

Wait, wait, wait... I owe Mike; I copied his piano hinge instructions for my 14 wingtips. I would gladly fly over to MFV if he decided to not land at 53VG. It's another excuse to fly and I could see his plane.
Mike - 53VG is not necessarily the best choice for anyone's "first". The good news is the KMFV is less than a 5minute drive for me and I'm happy to pop over for visitors.


Thanks for the heads-up. I will give 53VG an attempt -- my motto has always been "If you're going to be a a grizzly!". If I decide it's not safe, I will head over to Accomack County.


Thanks for the offer to give me a ride from MFV!
Mike - the offer is always there. I like having visitors and having an "alternate" so close makes it easy for pilots to make the trip!
Andy - always room. Given your distance, I may need to offer up a "greatest distance" award. ( based on single day trip distance :p )
Saturday 16-Nov, 11am-2pm Lunch Crowd

So, the weather is looking "OK" for this weekend and there are some confirmed arrivals. So, for everyone looking for free food, 53VG will have the kitchen open from 11 am to 2pm this Saturday (November 16th, 2013)

If you have not checked it out yet, read up on the grass strip at
Cold era friends and foes

You never quite know what will happen at 53VG but this "born in the wrong era" aviator tries to prepare for all possibilities.

Using some updated Cold War tricks, the Salmon Farm has established an early warning system. So, there was time to prepare when the teletype spat out "VladRV9A is moving. 4.36 miles SW of Plymouth, MA". Followed a few hours later by the Rusian penetrating the inner monitoring ring, "VladRV9A has entered zone 53VG-REGION - vector is 202 degrees"

Fortunately, a small cow had already been sacrificed. The Russian had been sustained by little more that potatoes and borscht. American sized burgers were grilling.


With the Russian feasting ...


... the shift ended for the American airman who could enjoy a higher octane beverage.


After swapping tall tails of our national pride, the Russian took on some vodka-free petrol and was just about to call "clear" when he and the American spotted a flight of two. It was hard to make up but we guessed it sounded Italian. These were not RV pilots (but we later learned one will be soon enough).

As the trailing aircraft broke formation and the lead setup for final, the old Cold War rivals chortled as they were sure the approach was high and fast.

You needed to wipe the grass from our lower jaws when, as the landing Italian bird came to an apparent stop in mid air and drifted down to a short landing. We could not tell what magic they possessed but it seemed very dark magic. Fortunately, the spy photos revealed the secret of that magic wing.


It turns out the Italian aircraft were piloted by more Americans - the Russian feeling both famous and outnumbered - took his cue and exited.

With the Russian, having exited the inner zone, the rest of us sat down for the real business - filling voids in our APRS web with a new iGate. It turns out more of us will be hunting down the Russian in the months to come.

Some interesting departing images of the Rallyes ...



Many thanks to all who visited. I hope the weather allows more to make the next gathering!
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Russian won half Cold War

It was the best flying day I had for a long time. Fellow RVators first of all 53VGMEWS isn't that precise and could be bamboozled if done correctly. When I took off early morning the system slept. Why? I was deliberately flying at 17,500 feet for more then one hour. Opposite direction from VA though...

Had a nice breakfast in MA with Captain John and Emma at nearby Dunkin Bun Shop.

Grabbed Captain's survival gear and launched toward 53VG. Low. A Cold War retiree - Saratoga Trrafeek Russki on Apprrrroouch...

After passing this house I dropped even lower and stayed there for several hours.

Whos this? Triple Six? Go where you want...
Kennedy didn't even bother to give me a code.

In 3+ hours I arrived at LRRS Command Post. Anybody home?

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Now tell me this. How can this little thingy capture an elusive flyer

when these failed :D

Anyway long story short the cow was properly cooked and eaten.

A newbee RV8 builder was shown some tricks then we've heard an armada of foreign airplane arriving. LRRS Commander run to greet them.

Seeing myself outnumbered and outgeared I made a strategic retreat.

Thank you 53VG for a day of fun! I will be back...
Vlad, It was good to see you on Saturday!

Sorry we couldn't come along. We had a busy day but I will be down there soon!

Glen, I had your tomato sauce tonight (finally)! Delicious! Thank you!

See you guys soon!

:) CJ
Ghost Squadron visits 53VG

I did most of my flight training in Texas in the mid 90's. Back then the Ghost Squadron was part of the Confederate Air Force (now the Commemorative Air Force).

After doing all my primary, instrument, and complex work in Piper aircraft I experienced some past planes and got to know the pilots of past wars. It was more education than most noob pilots could hope for.

On the last week, as I was finishing up my tail wheel endorsement and packing my new David Clarks, I spotted an RV-4 ... white with blue stripes.

20 years later and ... well, as they say ... the rest is history.
RV Bandit!

My plan was to work on the Devastator today when I get a "zone detection" alert. A russian RV broke the 30nm safety zone.

I activated all defenses but it was no use. With 90 minutes the bandit had made off with eggs over easy with a side of pulked pork and home made grilled potatoes; 2qts it Aeroshell 100 Plus, and 11 gallons of zero-e fuel from the fuel depot.

Thankfully he left a flaring tool.

Everyone show beware of this bandit and lock up your pantries!
Tough life of a VAF Inspector

Let me tell all the truth. I've received an anonymous email about a suspicious activity at one of the major RV base in VA. It didn't clearly said what kind but a satellite detected a heavy digging machinery on site. Up I go on early Saturday morning when general RV public usually sleeps.

Yep, the satellite dish is excited.

NORDO I approach and land.

Somebody was here let me quietly taxi further...

Ba-bam!! What is this?

... and disassemble aircraft? What's going on here?

Who ripped the guts off a perfect panel?

Excuse me is this window caulking tube prosealed right on Stein vents?

My curiosity was stopped by this. Yum! OK no more questions I am approving whatever you do here...

But RV public need to know what's going on at Salmon International. Is there a new intersecting runway under development? A taxiway? A parking lot for two dozen RVs?

It's actually not tough to be a VAF Inspector. Ask me how to become one I'll mail you an application. Pay is right, always great home cooked food and you even can get couple hundred (nautical!) miles sponsored here and there. Go for it!!
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Nice dish antenna farm

That yours, Glen? I didn't know you were into EME work on the higher milliwiggles.

Or is that a foot-warmer to use against overflying Ruski's?
Bill, the Russian has been known to try and sneak in undetected and even under radar so I commisioned an acoustic array so I can know when to lock up the food stocks. forgot something!

Hey Glen.....I see you failed to put the bin out for the coal:D From my intel
you better make it a big one!!
For everyone who's said it would be so cool to have your own private strip, all I can say is "there's a runway out there somewhere".


I've had to cancel all of my planned outings for the past few weeks and it's been a bummer of a winter for the RV sitting cold and lonely in the hangar.

This definitely isn't normal for this part of the country. This is the first "snow closure" since 53VG was designated and it's likely to last a couple more weeks :(
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I am planning to open 2015 grass season in two weeks. What should I do? Where should I go?

Vlad - I suggest flying south. Far far south. I hear Cuba is nice this time of year.

Bill - this really has been a very un-fun winter.

On a positive note, being house bound has given me time to work on a few new recipes. For the 2015 season, 53VG will be taking on an international flavor ;)

(We are running more that 20 degrees below normal. We don't get snow like this. The county - yes the whole county - has so few snow removal trucks they are still plowing five days after the 8" snow storm. In really is an anomaly.)

The lesson here is I need to plan a "project" every winter to keep me occupied for December until March. I wonder what it could be.
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Bob, I moved from Maine, to Massachusetts, and now Virginia. I'm thinking I should see if Ted will let me move into his garage. Alternately, I might just move back to Singapore.
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pull up a chair at "the Bucking Bar"!

53VG now has a pilot friendly soda bar!

Serving various sodas on tap as well as authentic malts. Non-PICs can also enjoy a beer or home made carbonated cider!

Be careful of what you wish for ...

I've heard it many times, "geeh, I wish I had my own grass airstrip".

I'd like to point out there's work involved :confused:


This weekend it was time to do something about the worn windsock. It's been flying four full years now. It has been lowered just twice - for hurricanes - and endured several tropical storms and two of the worst winters in local memory. It was showing holes. It had served its duty and was ready for a replacement.

In addition to switching from a 6' sock to an 8' sock, the new one is a lighter fabric. It may not last as long as the original but time will tell.

There was also the issue of 3+ years of "brush" growing up to 14'.

And for the record to those thinking these "little chores" are incidental, let me point out I log as many hours on the mower as the RV-8 each year :eek:
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Spending most of this weekend rolling mine out. This is the first time rolling my strip and I think it's been in use ten years. The actual strip wasn't bad it was the taxi way to the hangar that really needed it.
There is a lot of work and expense keeping up a grass runway but it's like building a plane, I enjoy it. There is no one complaining, no one needing instructions, no no-shows, it's just me and the wind.
I'm in the process of getting a contractor in with a 7-ton vibrating roller to do the runway. It hasn't been rolled since it was built. It's in "good" shape but it will definitely benefit from rolling.

Ron, I hope to see your strip one of these days!

I'm also trying to grow a new taxiway :D
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Oh, yeah! I had a new windsock, too!

I've spent the past week trying to remember every last item I used to own - for the insurance claim on the house. Your post reminds me I had a new Scott's windsock. In the house. Awaiting installation. Would've been safer up on the pole :(