
Well Known Member
I just got the official FAA form 5010 back for my private grass runway ! The designator is 53VG. The windsock raising party would be this weekend but I'm hoping for another exciting arrival so it will need to wait :)

1900'x50' Turf @ 37.6135 N, LON 75.8015 W
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less time than an RV

While it took a while, and dealing with politics, agencies, commissions, zoning, etc. it was by no means as long an effort as building :)
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New Airfield

I just got the official FAA form 5010 back for my private grass runway ! The designator is 53VG. The windsock raising party would be this weekend but I'm hoping for another exciting arrival so it will need to wait :)

1900'x50' Turf @ 37.6135 N, LON 75.8015 W

Congradulations! Here's what Google Earth shows....

Cool. You've got a lot of taxiways:D

LOL - Google Maps are about 4 years old for my area. That is before I build my farmhouse ... and before the runway work :)

it runs almost thru that GPS point - RWY 03/21

I'm looking forward to the first roll on the grass soon !
Great news! We can't have too many airports, especially with RV owners.

Would love to see it some time.
an "RV B&B"

Now that the field is official with the FAA, I'll add it to the "RV Hotel" list. Not much excitement here on the Shore but you'd be surprised how easy it is to kick back on the front porch and just watch the wheat / corn / soybeans grow :)

Nothing fancy, just the strangest looking "farmhouse" you're likely to see !
Will be driving by on the way to Fenwick Island next month to visit with family and enjoy the airshow at OC. Looks like you are not too far from Accomack airport where we like to drop in on the Blue Crab Bay Co.
The Blue Crab Bay Co is dangerously convenient when stopping at KMFV !

I'm looking forward to this year's "Soup on Sunday" down at Campbell airfield. There are usually a few RV's stopping in for the chilly and a hot dog :)
For those planning to stop in at 53VG, Iv'e setup a website ( and have an introductory video to

(I'm loading higher resolution video to the airport website but it will take a few hours on my really slow DSL connection)

Well done Glenn! This is interesting when did you hire those people? :D

....From time to time this page will get updates from the flight line about field conditions, the maintenance crew about the aircraft based here, the airport manager is around (occasionally) to let you know of recent visits and activates, and once in a great while, the staff from the the Salmon Farm Inn leave a note here to announce special events of their own.

We visited last year, strongly recommended.





Did you fix The Rarity?

I'm jealous! I guess was there way before Vlad, he seems to go everywhere, but Glen wasn't there and I was driving. I am looking forward to my next visit to the Blue Crab Bay Co.

I wandered onto your airport website and see the paint scheme you are leaning towards. I like it and would suggest a bit of yellow on the nose to balance the scheme, as they were painted in the day.
Always welcome to stop in to 53VG. If there is an issue with the runway, it will be on the official website (

As for the TBD paint schemes, you are correct that most had the forward portion of the cowl painted red or yellow or Hawaian blue or black or lemon or gray or ... :confused:

Given the RV-8 does not have a round engine, the "speed ring" effect of painting the forward portion of the cowl looked odd on my sketches.
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Always welcome to stop in to 53VG. If there is an issue with the runway, it will be on the official website (

As for the TBD paint schemes, you are correct that most had the forward portion of the cowl painted red or yellow or Hawaian blue or black or lemon or gray or ... :confused:

Given the RV-8 does not have a round engine, the "speed ring" effect of painting the forward portion of the cowl looked odd on my sketches.

Photoshop is your friend. :)

I think maybe just the painting the spinner would balance it.

The 1900' of runway was relatively easy to prepare as it was active tilled soil. It took about a day with a combination of disk tiller, bulldozer, tractor rake, spreader, and roller. The longer and more tedious effort has been getting good coverage with Bermuda grass. It's looking much better in its 2nd year

The 200'+ of trees on the approach end of took about 10 days with two chainsaws (plus band aides, sun block, bug spray and numerous tick checks).

Anyone interesting in what it's like to fly into 53VG can check out the video and animation at
Congrats on your new airstrip! Look forward to visiting you down there. The DELMARVA peninsula is a great place to fly. Regards, Bill

I did forget to mention, that while there was only one day of heavy equipment needed to get the runway in, that was preceded by 9 months of red tape ;)
The opposite of a trip report ... or "when pilots come to visit"

The "cousins" stopped in over the weekend - one just for a short breakfast flight while the other was on the first leg of quick trip south and back.

BTW - anyone trying to figure out how to rack up 400 hours in less than a year need only consider that cousin 1 - or is he cousin 2, I get them mixed up - flew more in three days than most of us manage in a month!

Anyway, they said it was pretty easy finding the runway this time ...


... once they both had a chance to land and taxi to the farmhouse, the dogs - not a reference to the pilots - stretched their paws. The weather was nearly perfect ...


There was no time to waste so I got to work in the farmhouse kitchen. Zen, the farm dog insured there was no slacking by the cook ...


The menu was the typical - bacon, eggs over easy, home fries, pancakes, and banana French toast using home made bread ...


The food didn't last long and before we knew it, cousin 1 - or was it cousins 2, I get them mixed up - was headed back north while the other headed Souh.

Y'all come back soon now, ya hear!

(photos by Vlad)
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Just noticed this post as I lay in bed after a good nights rest. Man I wish I had that breakfast RIGHT NOW!! It was very very good. Thanks again Glen!

I highly recommend a pitstop at 53VG if anybody is traveling north and/or south along the east coast. Selfishly, however, I hope nobody finds this little gem. How many gourmet kitchens sit this close to RVs begging to be flown?
Drywall knife as pancake turner just reeks of an RV builder! :D

I tried a lot of different "official kitchen tools" but the flex, size, and cleanliness of a SS drywall knife is ideal for the challenges of eggs over easy and silver dollar pancakes on a narrow griddle ... yes, I love to cook!

BTW - summer is here so I'll try to keep a couple flavors of homemade ice cream in the freezer for Tony and Vlad (or whomever else might drop in) :D
A cook as well as talented carpenter! Those Bamboo cabinets are handcrafted by none other than....GLEN himself. They turned out beautiful. He has the perfect set-up for flying and building. I cannot BELIEVE he has no aspiration for building an aircraft. The things he does build seem to be a work of art.

<-----Does that comment earn another breakfast or 2? I DO love icecream!!
No need for the buttering, Tony. I keep plenty in the freezer. As 007 once said, "never say never" but I've known I'm a buyer not a builder.
BTW - summer is here so I'll try to keep a couple flavors of homemade ice cream in the freezer for Tony and Vlad (or whomever else might drop in) :D

If I get lucky enough to modify my signature this summer, it will make for a great local trip, thanks!
No need for the buttering, Tony. I keep plenty in the freezer. As 007 once said, "never say never" but I've known I'm a buyer not a builder.

All ice cream space in the freezer was filled with chicken :D

I also have a question: Will I be able to taxi if corn grows higher? You know I have wingspan like A380 and your taxiways are narrow :D


I am tracking the corn relative to the taxi way. It will handle 30' wingspan but it's tight. I check weekly. I will insure there is taxi and parking for RV's.

With that said, I need to check the span of the -10 !
Vlad, I would be more worried about when the corn cobs appear than with the height of the stalk!
When the '4 gets back in the air with its new panel I am definitely going to have to take a day trip to the Eastern Shore to see this little bit of Shangri la. It'll be a short hop from Pax River.
with 24 hours notice, there will be food (including the elusive homemade ice cream) - pilots are adviced to do a W&B prior to departure :D
temporary IFR - Instruments and Floats Required

The Eastern Shore was slammed with a foot of rain on Saturday. Some people has inquired if the runway gets soft. The answer is no but, it turns out that 12" of rain in 8 hours was more than the adjacent road and ditches could handle and the runway flooded. As has been past experiences, the runway was open for business within 24 hours !


More of the story here including singing frogs :D
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Glen, you should write a how-to column about getting your private runway certified. The cousin and I buzzed several private fields today. I dream of having my own strip one day...
Turbo comes to call ...

It was a dull (and pretty dreary day) until I heard a noise in the front yard ...

... Turbo and his wonderful wife made a surprise "drop in" to say hi !

It was both a pleasure and an honor to finally meet you. Sorry you could not stay for a meal (the kitchen is ALWAYS open). I hope we get a chance to share some food and drink in the near future !
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glenn, i was such a treat to stop by and see you and your spread for the first time, even though we didnt shut down and stay for a while. nice photo work too. it was a long day dealing with storms and low ceilings but we made it safely to winter garden fl for the night at kims place. best to all rvators out there building and flying. :):) time to check wx for flight to stuart.
Who was that fast bandit at 12 o'clock high?

Here's hoping the RV that circled 53VG happens by these forums - thanks for the fly-by. You plane looks and sounds great !

Stop in next time you're in the area and have a free moment!

FYI - the time stamp for the spotting was noon eastern time today :)
That is really incredible. Every pilot's dream. Would like to know how you went about doing this, as I have wanted to do it for a long time. Also, what was the actual building process for making the runway? In other words, did you take into considerations: water runoff, soft surfaces during the rainy season, what kind of base did you use, clear approaches and departures, over runs.....just some of the things that run through my mind. Would love to hear how you decided to make yours. Thanks and Congrats!

Things to consider if you want your own airport

Hi Buzz - a number of people have asked "how did you do it?" There are forms and such buch the biggest hurdles are the neighbors.

The more land you have, the further away the neighbors will be. The fewer the neighbors the better. Also, the more land you have, the longer the runway(s) and the better the aproach / departure paths. Lastly, you do t want to be within 5 miles of a public use airport.

That last one was one of my biggest issues.
So, what do your neighbors think about your new installation? Is it a necessity that you call the FAA if you want to land a plane on your own property?


I won't say if it is or is not required to establish an airport to land a plane on your own property.

For anyone ready to pull the trigger and attempt your own official airport, feel free to PM me and we can take this off-line. There is also a good information package available from AOPA.
We weren't the RV, but we did fly over in a Cutlass last Thurs morning while collecting our VA Aviation Ambassador Passport stamps at KMFV and KTGI before heading to KPHF and KAKQ. Would love to have stopped by to say "Hello" but the FBO gave me a thumbs down. Your airport looked beautiful so maybe next time we will be in our own plane.
Con, you're welcome anytime.

BTW: I'm probably missing an inside joke or something as I don't get "the FBO gave me the thumbs down".
It was a rental plane and they have heartburn over landing on anything other than "paved runways." That eliminates a lot of fun!
Con, I understand now.

One thing I had to work hard for was getting my private runway listed on sectionals. The FAA doesn't add private airports to sectionals anymore as standard practice. I have a friend from New Hampshire who told me he could only land at my farm if it was on a chart.

Keep working on that RV-7. It will be right or home on the grass !
I suspect you are underwater at this point Glen. Hopefully the water will stay out of the farmhouse!