Which nav program are you using in the iPad? I don't recognize it.


Hi Pierre, i am Alpha testing it for a local guy, he most probably will release it early in the new year. So I cant say too much at this stage, but it will be irrelevant for non South Africans. We battle in South Africa with decent aviation maps and aps on the ipad, he saw the gap and took it. I am just helping to sort out the bugs...maybe if it is really successfull will he expand but i am speculating...

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Why do I think.....

That if South Africa ever develops a Space Program, Rudi will be involved in some form or fashion?

Honestly Rudy, I get a kick out seeing what you do and in the time that it takes to do it. Truly inspiring in what you build and the quality associated with it.

So started to put things in my panel today



I still need to add some backup instruments to the right of my screens. The hole in the radio stack is for my yet purchased GTN 750.
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Thanks for posting!

I'm truly thankful for all of you who post these pictures of you panels as they are inspiring. However, for the first time today, browsing through them a fear came over me because I saw all the wiring behind the panel in one picture. I know I'll figure it out when I get there, but man it looks like a daunting task to get a panel that looks as good as what you all are posting! Really makes me appreciate the handiwork.

RV-10 Empenage
I'm truly thankful for all of you who post these pictures of you panels as they are inspiring. However, for the first time today, browsing through them a fear came over me because I saw all the wiring behind the panel in one picture. I know I'll figure it out when I get there, but man it looks like a daunting task to get a panel that looks as good as what you all are posting! Really makes me appreciate the handiwork.

RV-10 Empenage


Like everything else with building a RV-10, start at step 1 and then move on to step 2. If you dwell on the fact that there are thousands of steps, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Wiring is the same way. Start with your schematic and check of each wire as you run it. You'll find that you'll be done shortly.

One process that I highly recommend is to NOT rivet the Upper Fuselage Assembly when the plans call for it. It can be riveted way later. I set mine on the dining room table upside down to wire my harness. It made working on the harness very easy.

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I echo Bob's advice...my building buddy on the -6A was petrified about wiring. I asked him one day, "Didn't your dad build houses for a living?"...."one brick at a time, no?"

He never again fretted the wiring...it all eventually worked and the smoke stayed in the wires!:)

N541RV is almost ready to go.


3 screen AFS system (two 4500's, one 3400 mfd)
AFS Pilot (tru-trak) autopilot
Dual GNS-430 W
PS eng audio panel
327 transponder

Fiberglass panel started life from Accuracy Avionics of many years ago but was completely reworked, added black powder coated aluminum masks that cover most of the instrument screws.

And of course, a full suite of TCW gear hidden behind the scenes.

Bob Newman
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3 screen AFS system (two 4500's, one 3400 mfd)
AFS Pilot (tru-trak) autopilot
Dual GNS-430 W
PS eng audio panel
327 transponder

Bob Newman

Presumably with two 430s you're looking at IFR. I note that you do not seem to have any back-up for AH, Alt, or Airspeed beyond the AFS 4500 system. Do you have an IFR ticket and what will your plan be if the 4500 system drops out in IMC. Just curious. :confused::confused:
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Over the Christmas holidays, I finished fitting and powered up my panel. It is prototype using the standard VANS offering. After "tweaking" I will have the final version water-jet cut. Hole in the right will house a glove-box.

I stole the idea for the side "ears" from Rudi (thanks Rudi!). The lower centre consol was my design and will, of course, be faired in eventually. I fitted Aveo lights into the upper wire covers. They actually needed to be a little lower to avoid interference with the fuselage structure but I got round it by trimming away some of the aluminium thread on the rear of the light. The lower right wire cover was reverse-engineered from the left which comes with the wiring kit - fortunately, I had a couple of spare trim tabs for material :eek:

Power up was OK. The low volts warning doesn't work but I suspect I pulled out the connector whilst trying to fit all the trim wires as it tested OK previously. Some of the avionics stack lights don't come on but I wasn't sure that the way I configured the LC50 was going to work so I have a plan B. The SL30 came up with a COMM FAIL message but I suspect (hope?!) that is due to not having the antenna connected.

Not quite up to the level of some of the panels but shows what can be done with the standard fit and a little imagination. We currently aren't permitted night or IFR on permit aircraft in the UK but it is "work in progress" and I have built the panel with this in mind.

Sadly, I am now back at work in Hong Kong so things grind to a halt once again :mad: This is why this project is 5 years and counting!
Not quite up to the level of some of the panels but shows what can be done with the standard fit and a little imagination.

Paul, I think your panel is up to the level of other panels I've seen, and better than most. It's balanced, predictable, and elegant. I like it!

Nice work.

I, too, think it looks great so far and will probably be 'up to standard' once you have installed the equipment in the final cut and finished panel. My only comment is that I would have placed the backup instruments closer to the PFD instead of with a radio stack in between. Or are you driving from the right seat? (I note you are from the UK. ;))
Thanks for the kind comments. I studied design mechanical engineering at university (a loooong time ago) and "simple" and "elegant" are the highest praise as far as I am concerned!

The standbys are located because of the restrictions of the panel ribs. I fitted the avionics stack between the left and centre rib meaning the standbys had to go to the right of the centre rib. Since the plans forbid any cutting of the ribs, any "chopping" would (in the UK) require some sort of structural justification and mod application.

Given the redundancy of the system, they are a real last resort and easily visible from the left seat - it's the same seat the world over, as far as I know!
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Yes, it Sergey plane buildt in 2009 by Cetus. Do not get me wrong, I have permission from Sergey to answer.
Nice looking panel & configuration, I had a comm fail due to power to the nav but not the comm side ,

Dave Ford
Rv6 flying
Rv 10 building
G3X panel from Brazil

Follows the panel of my recently built RV-10 (?PR-ZEN?), which is a VFR airplane (for now).
ZEN was built by Flyer Industrias Aeronauticas in Brazil and has already 16hrs of flight.
So far I?m really impressed with the G3X/GX Pilot ?combo?. Great investment !


Thanks, Flavio.

I sent them an email, in particular asking about the side stick controllers I spotted on their video (and I posted another thread on it).

Their RV10, turbocharged, air conditioned...looks spectacular.
Side Stick Controller

You're right...I guess I misunderstood the use of the term "aeronaves". I guess that wasn't the name of the company. In any event, I sent them an email.

Thanks, Flavio. I really appreciate that this is an international community...


That's one BEAUTIFUL panel... and a great match for the excellent craftsmanship in your hangar awaiting its arrival! If by chance your new panel is delivered in error to hangar "FC", guess I'd just have to order -10 kit to keep it company! Have you received your new "Aero Sport" engine?

Have a great day!
All kudos to Aerotronics (not forgetting a nod to Stein for some advice and help). The gang there has been very willing to work with me and meet my unreasonable demands, still producing beautiful work despite my input. They offer the carbon fiber in a semigloss, which I chose, or a gloss finish. They also did the panel of my RV-6A and the only problems I've had with it since it was delivered in 2007 have been of my own making. Essentially, it has been flawless as delivered which is why I chose them when I started the RV-10.
An update from the earlier photo, Aerotronics sent me this now that it is being boxed to ship:

A couple of missing items, like the air conditioning controls, are now in place and most of the VP200 is active. I'm guessing the remaining X's are waiting for me to wire it into the aircraft's electrical system. The only bad thing: I'm not finding much time to work on the project this semester, so I may be keeping the panel in my living room to drool over for awhile.:eek:

Whoa! My apologies for the size. It was a fairly small file in terms of disk space so I didn't check the pixel pitch. I'll try to replace the linked image with a smaller one soon. (edit: Fixed!)
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