Awesome design!!

Great Job!!! I love the look and unique window/door surround design. No offense, but it makes me smile to see you two so young and accomplishing such a task like this. Your soon to be addition will appreciate your efforts and now you can spend the time with your son/daughter growing up and enjoy traveling in the 10.... That is if you don't start building a second plane:) We are proud of you!!
I echo Jack's sentiment on the little one. I started my -10 when my daughter was 2 and didn't much care where dad was and what dad was doing. Now that she is close to 7, I'm feeling guilty spending so much time on the build! I'll make it up to her by spending plenty of time flying all over the place with her :D

Nice paint job! Unique for sure!

It's refreshing to see a paint scheme so unique and bold. Great Job! I too like the black window reveal. I was going to do a similar black trim on the window, but ended up not.

B & B, good to see the final look, you will be instantly recognizable at any flyin:D

And, congrats on the upcoming third "B"

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Figure I might as well throw my(our) hat in the ring as it were..... Finally posting some pics that up to now have only resided on our shared photo stream....

Been working on finishing the tanks on my visits to MO where we're building the plane..... They are leak free form the water test and about to be sealed and pressure tested....


Our Score being delivered in Oct. Our best acquisition of the project....


Riveting away on the fuel tanks with my father-in-law Shayne, this is plane #4 for him

Wet Riveting


Adding the good stuff.. Really though, ProSeal aint that bad... I grew up working on boats, and everything is sticky, stinky and messy, so this was just another epoxy... It gets the job done


Getting good with the dimpler


Cap Plates


Ailerons in Progress


Staying warm by the heater


Our riveting Elf who get's things built even when I'm not there...


And Lastly... getting the two wings synced up with each other in the progress....

No, I decided against doing any kind of website/build log. For one. not enough time to keep it up, I'd rather be building, and for two, there's already a bunch of really good ones out there, so I don't need to re-invent the wheel... Or wing as it were...
Thanks guys! (on both accounts) =D

Brian and I had ran across a window treatment similar to that on another RV-10 while surfing the internet a while back. We really liked it and knew we wanted to do it to ours as well when the time came.
Figure I might as well throw my(our) hat in the ring as it were..... Finally posting some pics that up to now have only resided on our shared photo stream....

Looks like you've got a ton of help, John! You'll be in the air in no time. :)
That's a nice window look. Gives the impression of a "wrap-around". Also, if you end up with cracks at the margins, it's easier to fill and repaint.

I may steal that......

I'd check with the LAA before painting any of the top black in the UK. They have been known to make people repaint it white before.:eek:
I'll have to pop down sometime and check your progress.


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I think I'm already stealing it, soon as I get to it. Brandi, are your black edges right on the window joints or did you glass over the window edges. Also, the black looks really smooth and glossy. Like black plexi almost. Can't even see the front door post. Nice one.
That's a nice window look. Gives the impression of a "wrap-around". Also, if you end up with cracks at the margins, it's easier to fill and repaint.

I may steal that......

We're doing the same thing on our paint scheme as well. I got the idea from Centro Aero's RV-10T. On theirs, with the windows tinted it looks pretty baddass Also, N700HH has the same idea. It's a good looking plane.

I'd check with the LAA before painting any of the top black in the UK. They have been known to make people repaint it white before.:eek:
I'll have to pop down sometime and check your progress.




It's the canopy top in the area of the seat belt mount that they are worried about. If it is painted dark, there is the possibility of it getting too hot and weakening the fiberglass structure. See the TADS. Probably worth asking though.

Progress slow due to working in Hong Kong. Hope to get 4 weeks leave in May to get the painting done.

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started working on this yesterday afternoon. I don't think ill be able to get much farther till my dimpler shows up.

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Good start.

You don't have to cleco EVERY hole. Not only will you either have to get an enormous number or start running out on the VS and wings, you will end up with a severe case of RSI.......

Some sharp contours need every hole but generally every second or third is enough.
Too many clecos is never enough. (That should go into the cleco aphorisms thread.) Seriously, while I don't disagree with Paul for general assembly, for drilling or riveting I prefer to have a cleco in every hole. Once I've drilled a skin on the wing, for instance, I may remove 1/2 to 1/3 of the clecos before continuing to the next skin, which will be entirely clecoed while I match drill.

My hand strength is good (I play guitar and bass) but clecoing panels on the RV-6A made my hand hurt like the dickens. Now I can cleco for hours while lesser men weep. :rolleyes: Actually, I like to use fingerless riding gloves to reduce the stress on my hands; the metal handles of my cleco pliers will otherwise bruise my palm pretty badly after a while.
I think I'm already stealing it, soon as I get to it. Brandi, are your black edges right on the window joints or did you glass over the window edges. Also, the black looks really smooth and glossy. Like black plexi almost. Can't even see the front door post. Nice one.

They're supposed to be right on the window joints. We did not glass over the edges.
Too many clecos is never enough. (That should go into the cleco aphorisms thread.) Seriously, while I don't disagree with Paul for general assembly, for drilling or riveting I prefer to have a cleco in every hole. Once I've drilled a skin on the wing, for instance, I may remove 1/2 to 1/3 of the clecos before continuing to the next skin, which will be entirely clecoed while I match drill.

My hand strength is good (I play guitar and bass) but clecoing panels on the RV-6A made my hand hurt like the dickens. Now I can cleco for hours while lesser men weep. :rolleyes: Actually, I like to use fingerless riding gloves to reduce the stress on my hands; the metal handles of my cleco pliers will otherwise bruise my palm pretty badly after a while.

This is the logic I have always been taught when working with sheet metal. Cleco everything while drilling, but only put in what's necessary for riveting.
So I managed to complete the first "test" with only a few small bruises on the skin. That middle nose rib was kind of a pain to get to but a little "puddy and paint will make it what it a'int". I am very pleased with the final product and look forward to moving on to the the rudder. Thanks for all of your help so far. I'm sure I will call on all of you again as I move on in my build.

Well I was told it will be an emotional roller coaster and I would have to agree. I found myself going from Fun to Frustration to fear then back to fun on more than one occasion. All and all it was a great experience. I learned so much and most importantly I built an air worthy Vertical Stabilizer :)

By the way I can't figure out why the pic keeps coming in sideways. Its not that way on my computer.. oh well you get the Idea.

Looking great! I'm nearing the end of the build and just pulled my VS off the wall to send it to paint. I can't believe that once upon a time not long ago, I was working on that peice. Then, in the blink of an eye (4 years in reality), the build is nearing the end! Weird. Enjoy the journey and congrats on the VS.
Starting to Lose that Canoe Look

Cabin top fit and drilled. So far not as bad as feared, but the fill/sand/repeat hasn't begun. And there are a couple of places that will need help...


Finish Kit ordered
Dave, it looks like you were able to keep more material on the uprights then most builders. Maybe the cabin tops are coming with a better fit (although I doubt it). Nice work! I remember the feeling of accomplishment when I reached that point and it was great. I also remember thinking that the interior just got considerably smaller :eek:

Good luck.
I seem to have run out of bits so I guess she's finished!

As you can probably see, there might be just a little fiberglass "fettling" left to do........

Paint is booked for May :D

Sadly, have to go back to Hong Kong to work......

I have 5 weeks leave late April which is when I am going to (finally) finish the fiberglass and get her dis-assembled for paint.

....... but I have 2 more days yet ;)
First year progress

Well it has been one year to the date that my dad and I started building our -10, so I figured I better post an update.

This is where we started.

And now we are here.

The firewall forward is done minus hooking up the probes. The panes sould get here in a week from Stein. And we are getting the wings ready to finish up.

I would like to thank everyone for your help in our first year and are looking forward to more till we finish.
Moved project to hanger... Got pink slip 7 days later

Thanks for all the help I got from Atlanta builders moving my project, and then also getting it ready for DAR inspection.

Saturday the 15th we moved the project to the 10 miles to LZU. Fuselage on a car carier, wings and tail in a 17 foot U-haul. I did not move any work benches, and the 17 foot U-haul was plenty big for all my tools, supplies, Wings, and Tail Feathers. Builders showed up at about 10:00, had the truck loaded and secured by 11:00, tow truck showed up about 11:40 (supposed to arrive at 10:30), and we were at the airport and wings on by 3:00!



I took 1/2 days from work all week, and worked 8-10 hrs at the airport each day. Had a few problems once I had everything hooked up. Left fuel gauge not working, Lightspeed RPM sender not talking to G3X, some problems with my wing-tip lights, and my flap position sensor not having enough range, causing them either to not go all the way down, or not go into reflex.
Got the plane weighted (1692 lbs)

Fueled and calibrated fuel gauges, and did first engine run!
She started right up without a problem (except not having an RPM gauge). Max static RPM (once got gauge working) was 2610 out of the box.

Saturday 22nd Vic showed up and did my DAR inspection, he found a couple items that were quickly remedied (Aileron hitting autopilot stop and not main stop, elevator trim jam nut not tightened.). Got my Airworthiness Certificate!

Did not rush to get things buttoned up as Sunday was supposed to be bad weather all day (ended up being nice). Expect to do my first flight later this week or weekend.!

Bill, congratulations on the pink, and getting this far down the tunnel------the light must be getting pretty bright by now:D

Good looking paint job------------did you do it yourself at home??? lots of blue on the floor in the garage photo??

Good luck with the first flight, dont rush things and above all, be safe.

The 10 is a great airplane, you are gonna love it.
Did paint myself

Yes, I did the paint myself. Stuart systems. Painted it in the garage and basement. about 450 hours of work. If I had a hanger I would do it again, but would not do it again in such a confined space. That added a lot of time/effort.

I am happy with the paint job, looks professional at 30 feet, good at 5 feet. Painted all the parts separate, and some ended up with heavier blue than others, so some are darker. Still I'm happy.
Congrats on the slip! Spent some time looking at your web page, great site and a great project. Bookmarked a few ideas for ours as well. Good luck on the first flight.
No stick time with Vic

I don't think he is doing transition training (yet). In January I did 6 hours with Alex ( He was great.
Congratulations on moving to KLZU!

Sorry I missed the party, I was out of town at a buying show for my business.
I'm glad you had plenty of help. Your -10 looks great!
Oh, pink slip! I get it. I thought you got laid off or something when I read the cover page. lol.

Congratulations, the 10 looks great!



Congrats!! looks great!!Enjoy your first flight, and then you will want to fly it every minute you are awake! Phase 1 is much more rewarding than I thought it would be as I did it in 11 days.
OZRV10 Transported to Airport

Well today I transported my RV-10 to the Bacchus Marsh Airport from it's home in my garage.

I am in some ways very sad to see it go to the airport as it has been so close for so long, I now feel like I have sort of abandoned it.

However, over the next 4-6 weeks I will be in preparation for the CofA and test flights. Most wiring has been completed and conduits already run so it should come together quite quickly.

I want to thank all of those who lent a hand today. Firstly Dad (aka. Geoff Long). He has basically been great. And I can't have done without him. Paul McVitty, who has helped a lot on the wiring and the electronics and other varied help during the past two years. NOTE: he has got together a good set of NAV's and Strobes with controller ready to kit up and sell. Look out for these in the coming weeks.

Peter Clark, a mate that has always been there during the build with help whenever asked. Andrew McIntosh, supplied all the packing blankets and unbridled commentary :) also helped ....

Gess and Brandon, without Gess it would not have got started, and the help today was fantastic.

And obviously, my wife Jacquie and daughter Jamie. They have been stalwarts of support during the project. Thanks.

Photos can be found here: Dropbox

Website: Build Log
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I always love shots like this because I think about the reaction from neighbors or people driving down the street when they suddenly see most of an airplane emerge.

Well today I transported my RV-10 to the Bacchus Marsh Airport from it's home in my garage.

I am in some ways very sad to see it go to the airport as it has been so close for so long, I now feel like I have sort of abandoned it. ....
Website: Build Log

I felt exactly the same way. All of a sudden my "buddy" in the garage was sitting lonely-like in a big tin box at the airport. Took me nearly a month to get used to walking into an empty garage.
Finished up the top skin today & decided to put some additional pieces on just because I could. I felt like a 6 year old on christmas morning.

If you push on at a steady pace, the feeling keeps coming! Christmas morning 10 times per year ;)