
Well Known Member
EAA Chapter 1384 is sponsoring the Second Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RV's at the Carroll County Regional Airport (KDMW - Westminster, MD) on Saturday, June 14th (Rain Date - Sunday, June 15th). The event will start at 1000 and go until 1400.

Food and Drinks will be available, along FUN FOR EVERYONE! The event was a great success last year (see thread http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=99800), and we are expecting an even bigger turn out of RV's this year!

We are offering a discount for all attendees who preregister through Thursday, June 12th at 2359 at Events Website http://www.eaa1384.org/2ndGathering. Attendees who preregister get a 20% discount off of food, and those members who attended last year AND preregister get a 50% food price discount!


Updated Information can be found at our Chapters Website.

Link to the Flyer here.

We hope to see a bunch of VAF'ers in attendance!
Just a little over two weeks until the 2nd Annual Gather of RV's at KDMW. We had 50 RV's last year, and we are expecting 100+ this year! Come on out and enjoy some great food EAA Chapter 1384 is preparing, and get to know the best type of people out there - Fellow RVer's!

Preregister and save some $$$ on food: http://www.eaa1384.org/2ndGathering
3 Days!

The Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RV's is in 3 days, and the weather appears to look like it it cooperating perfectly from the long-term forecasts. Get ready to see the most RV's in the East Coast in one spot and help our our local EAA chapter.

Please pre-register at http://www.eaa1384.org/2ndGathering

Not an RVer...yet!

I plan on attending in a Super Decathlon, if welcome. Very interested in the RV-8 and learning all about them. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
See you all Saturday,

I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow. While we wish we could close the airport to all non-RV traffic, I suppose we can't stop you from coming in the Super Decathalon :)

To all others attenting and interested in attending -

Pre-registration closes at 23:59 EDT tonight. Please pre-register to save some $$$ on food and help our EAA Chapter best plan for this event.

The weather still looks fabulous for Saturday. We will update this thread late Friday or early Saturday with the official status of our fly-in.
Pre-registration is now closed, but anyone can still attend regardless of pre-registration! We do ask that you register upon arrival at the registration tent where we also have a few freebies for attendees.

Those that did pre-register can receive their food discount coupons at the registration tent.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow... so far the weather looks good!
Thanks to all that showed up at the Second Annual Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RV's. The weather was absolutely perfect and we counted somewhere between 40-50 RV's show up.

Enjoy the following video Joe Czachorowski put together of the day, including interviews with pilots.



3rd annual Mid Atlantic Gathering

Any plans in the works for a third annual gathering? I'd like to get it on my calendar before Wife makes other plans.
I've been curious as well. About a week ago, I checked the EAA Chapters website/calendar and there is no mention of it happening. I thought about sending an email but from the looks of their Facebook page and calendar of events, it's been dormant for some time now.
We're not dormant! Maybe just a little slow this year around. We are planning to do a Third Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RV's on September 19th. We are hoping for clear sky and cool temps. More details will follow in June and July.
