Wish list: add an aural "altitude" call out after the GP is captured on a precision approach to remind you to set the missed altitude. Saw this on a Cirrus G1000 and thought it was a great idea.

they could use more aural call outs in general on the garmin platform

for me, so far, the IAF and missed approach altitudes have always lined up so far....

Add to the wish list - an input in configuration mode for the demonstrated max cross wind component that shows up in yellow/red by the wind panel in the bottom right hand corner of the screen when you are getting close.

I love the system so far in my RV-12. It's amazing.

how often are the wind components at surface the same as you experience at say, 100ft? i don't think this would prove as useful as you think it would
how often are the wind components at surface the same as you experience at say, 100ft? i don't think this would prove as useful as you think it would

Pulling surface wind data from XM or ADS-B would be even better, but some GSX systems don't have that info. In the absence of no info, I'd rather have the winds at 100 ft AGL. The idea is to have better situational awareness regarding cross winds. There are lots of ways to skin that cat, and I'm sure the Garmin folks are very capable of coming up with a good solution. The bottom line is that I'd like to be able to input the max demonstrated cross wind component for the airframe, and have a master caution when approaching a max crosswind. To avoid enroute warnings, it could be limited to only show an alert when within 800 ft AGL.
Wish VNAV defaulted to the next waypoint.

Currently when pushing the VNAV button on a flight to more than one way point it sets up the VNAV for the last airport not the next waypoint/airport. I would like my G3X Touch VNAV to always set up for the next waypoint.
This isn't exactly a G3X Touch feature as much as a fix. I have a GTN750 as my certified GPS, and when an approach is loaded and activated, the DISTD (distance to the airport) is shown correctly on the GTN, and is incorrect on the G3X - it is usually way too high. For example, on say a 3 mile final coming down the glideslope or GPS decent path, DISTD on the GTN will be 3, and on the G3X will be 45-55ish.

So far, G3X folks say the problem is the GTN is sending incorrect data, but from the GTN folks I can't get a clear acknowledgement that they recognize the problem, or clarity on when it will be fixed. If it's really a GTN issue, I would expect it would show up in communication to other certified Garmin displays as well, and be important enough to fix.

Anyone else seen this issue? It would be relatively new, as the G3X only added the DISTD field option a couple SW releases ago.

G3XPert, Steve, any update or better clarity on this?


BTW, I've had the G3X Touch system a couple years now and absolutely love it! The AP is miraculous!

Reinhard Metz
Just started flying my RV-8 with retrofitted GTN650 and dual G3X Touchs (in a word - absolutely awesome!).

I noticed that you can not really IFR flight plan on the G3X. I know you have to toggle to the internal navigation mode in order to enter a flight plan and then toggle back to external to allow the IFR certified GTN do the work, but it would be nice if you could have the same functionality in the planning part of the G3X. For example, why can't you enter airways and airway exit points in the G3X and then have it pipe it over to the GTN as the active flight plan? The GTN650's screen is so small that it is cumbersome to do it all on that when you have this wonderful expanse of working area on the G3X and being a former CNX80 person, Im really addicted to that kind of intuitive flight planning functionality.

Am I missing something?
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Just started flying my RV-8 with retrofitted GTN650 and dual G3X Touchs (in a word - absolutely awesome!).

Am I missing something?

if you can't view the airway on your G3X and the enter on your GTN, you should consider going for a IFR Proficiency check :D

I find the setup to make it even easier, and the fact that the GTN is the "master" unit, of which all displays 'slave' makes for zero potential for confusion, if your GTN does not have it, your AP will not follow it, etc- when you view your flight director and it says GPS as your roll mode, why would you want to have to then figure out if your GTN or your G3X waypoint was the one in use? too much potential for confusion, remember, some people fly around terrain
I understand your point, but on the the other hand (and not to belabor mine), included with the capability on the G3XT is ability to load TERP plates, IFR enroute charts, and highly sophisticated weather products. Additionally, you could create and upload (to either the GTN or the G3X) via bluetooth an IFR flight plan identical to how it is fed to you through a clearance, including DP's from your IPAD!!!

Why then, especially given that the G3Xt is HARDWIRED to the GTN wouldnt you be able to create an IFR plan on the G3X and then push it over to the GTN? Again, you have this massive expanse of working space that you have to forgo in order to plan on the puny GTN.

I realize that the G3x is not IFR cert'd and therefore is limited. But, as a product designed for the experimental community I'm surprised that they follow those limits per se.

Those with the Dynon units.... Im curious how you plan IFR flights into your system?
Well here's one road block- version control of the data, it simply can't be bidirectionally authoritative with the current structure
G3X dropping out & rebooting while flying IFR

I have dual touch 10" G3X's married to a GTN 650. Whilst flying in IMC the MFD decided to turn off and turn back on - that got my attention. I noted the PFD was experiencing slight screen flickering, was I glad to get out of the clouds. Up until now it has been working perfectly (100 hours). Now I'm reluctant to file IFR until I know what's wrong and get it fixed. Soon afterwards the Auto Pilot function failed several times requiring one hours worth of hand flying IFR.

I rang and spoke to Garmin Support and they told me I needed to check the software version and update. My software was 4.70 and I did update to 5.30, now I get ARINC 429 Channel 1 and 2 missing and configuration Module missing every second time I boot up.

Anyone had similar problems, anyone got any good ideas what it is and how to fix it? Because now I don't trust Garmin to keep me safe.

Your not going to like this but it sounds a lot like installation issues. Those issues you are referring to are not typical at least not on mine.
I had something similar but not nearly as severe. My MFD G3Xt would recycle itself every 15 minutes or so. Turns out that one of the databases (the VFR chart database) was corrupt and I needed to re-install it.

I have also found that using any iOS device to burn the database on the cards (ie, any mac-based device) leads to problems... All of my issues went away when I switched to a PC based system (unfortunately).


Did you have these issues even using Parallels or a like program on a Mac? I'm upgrading to the G3X and trying to figure out the best way to keep all the new boxes updated. I may see a cheap PC notebook in my future.
Jon, I had the same issue with the last set up chart updates. The download failed and had something corrupt in the VFR/IFR charts. The MFD kept rebooting in flight. Re-downloading via my ancient PC, rather than macbook solved the issue.
it would be ideal if we could keep this thread to feature requests and wish lists, and not individual install issues or troubleshooting- g3xpert is very helpful, reach out directly to them

Here's an idea for a wishlist feature- can we enable automatic engagement and thus disengagement of the YD based on altitude AGL?

I understand the new cirrus does this with a garmin panel- what is the garmin consensus on this?
V number call outs

I have GDU 370's but would apply to all. Would like to have audio callouts of "Airspeed Active", "V1" and "V2" during the takeoff roll. The other V numbers applying to twins would probably be appreciated by those that can afford the 2x fuel bills.

My instrument instructor wants the "Airspeed Active" call out during the TO roll. This would seem to be a simple thing to add.
I love that G3x and foreflight talk, but without purchasing more equipment I still don't have adsb weather from my stratus on the g3x. Is there an easy way to port weather from the ipad (via the stratus) over to the g3x? This would at least give me a short term solution until I figure out what my 2020 solution will be. I got bit in the *** hard by the navworx issue on my other plane and wan't to wait this one out to see what comes out before jumping into another system.
I love that G3x and foreflight talk, but without purchasing more equipment I still don't have adsb weather from my stratus on the g3x. Is there an easy way to port weather from the ipad (via the stratus) over to the g3x? This would at least give me a short term solution until I figure out what my 2020 solution will be. I got bit in the *** hard by the navworx issue on my other plane and wan't to wait this one out to see what comes out before jumping into another system.

i can't fathom why you would want your panel to be dependent on your iPad and a 3rd party device that is loose in your cockpit, why not just get a GDL39-R ? your iPad could use the info from it, and you could sell your stratus...
i can't fathom why you would want your panel to be dependent on your iPad and a 3rd party device that is loose in your cockpit, why not just get a GDL39-R ? your iPad could use the info from it, and you could sell your stratus...

Sure, can't argue here. Preferred is the G3x would just use the stratus. But stratus is WIFI and G3X is bluetooth. Getting a GDL39 would mean no attitude info on foreflight. Is it needed as a backup to the backup G5? Absolutely not. Just trying to work with what I already have instead of doing this dickdance of selling off one thing to get another when in the end each item is only partially compatible. Until an adsb solution is in the books, just looking for a workaround with items I already have. That is unless there is a wifi dongle that will read directly off the stratus and inject it into the G3X...but I'm unaware of one.
Just trying to work with what I already have instead of doing this dickdance of selling off one thing to get another when in the end each item is only partially compatible.

i hate to break it to you, but experimental avionics may not be the market for you- that's what it's all about

why do you want your iPad to be a backup? the G5 is a perfectly adequate backup, and even good enough for the certified crowd

I think you may want to revisit your strategy, both the stratus and apple products have had issues with power consumption and overheating, they are not purpose built for what you are attempting to achieve, but rather tout the capabilities as part of their offering....the G3X with a GDL39R gives you everything you want, a G5 added in compliments it for redundancy- the iPad is a "nice to have EFB" and the stratus is off to eBay at this point

I find it curious that the Van's crowd, with limited cockpit space, is so keen on filling it with dongles, power cords, and iPads- when I ran my RV4, I was all about doing more with less

just providing constructive feedback, hoping to give you a different perspective- not trying to be a jerk or anything- by the way, i haven't ran a newer version stratus, do they reboot quicker? the 1st gen ones took forever
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Ha. I think you're missing the point here. Experimental is all about not being tied to one specific system. But I'll just leave it at that and move on.
No Taxiway labels on Safetaxi😂

Not sure if there ever were labels for taxiways when zooming in on Safetaxi chart, but I don't have them now. A friend asked me why his legacy G3X didn't have the labels. I said my touch does, but then I checked and it doesn't! I'm pretty sure I've seen the labels in the past. Map detail is set for highest.
Re Australian equivalent of "Sectionals" being available on G3X Touch.

Airservices Australia (Government Publisher) have just released free online charts for first time.


Will this now allow Garmin to make these available for G3X Touch?
Hope so.
Considering it was our bloody Gumby-ment that caused the US DAFIF to be withdrawn years ago, free charts is the least they can do! :mad:

Just don't try to use them on an old Ipad without redoing them as a Jpeg or something!
Ignition timing?

I am running with Electroair ignition. It has provisions for a timing readout (which I have on a small LCD screen). It would be nice for this to be in the G3X, good information when looking downloaded at engine trend data. Should be simple to do, it is nothing more than a volt meter.

Scott A. Jordan
I am running with Electroair ignition. It has provisions for a timing readout (which I have on a small LCD screen). It would be nice for this to be in the G3X, good information when looking downloaded at engine trend data. Should be simple to do, it is nothing more than a volt meter.
Scott A. Jordan

It already does this. See this post . Unknown is whether or not an op amp is required for the ElectroAir as Lightspeed needs. Although, Lightspeed now has an amplifier available.
Don't know if this technically fits in the G3X wish list category, but how about a vertical mount form factor for the GMC 307 autopilot controller?

Having the vertical mount option would be great!
Don't know if this technically fits in the G3X wish list category, but how about a vertical mount form factor for the GMC 307 autopilot controller?

Having the vertical mount option would be great!

Also a Track mode button (TRK) as well as HDG would be great too.
G3X Page Toggle for Right Hand Screen

Hi all,
I'm kinda new to the RV group... since I have a Velocity (with side sticks)... but I am in the process of installing a 2 screen G3X Touch system. I have two questions/ideas.

1) I know that 90% of the time I will fly solo and expect to leave the right hand screen displaying the map. However, it would be nice if I could use a momentary toggle on the stick grip to change the pages on the right hand display instead of having to make the reach to the other side of the plane. Can G3X display be remotely controlled in this manner?

2) I am told that because you have to decide which display is the PFD and which is the MFD, you can't display PFD on both sides simultaneously without installing a physical switch to force it. I know I have seen photos of both screens with the PFD being displayed, but I can't see a switch anywhere that does this. I can't believe this is true. Before I start wiring, does anyone know about this?

Long EZ N506DB (Builder)
Velocity N164PS (Rebuilder?)
Hi all,
I'm kinda new to the RV group... since I have a Velocity (with side sticks)... but I am in the process of installing a 2 screen G3X Touch system. I have two questions/ideas.

1) I know that 90% of the time I will fly solo and expect to leave the right hand screen displaying the map. However, it would be nice if I could use a momentary toggle on the stick grip to change the pages on the right hand display instead of having to make the reach to the other side of the plane. Can G3X display be remotely controlled in this manner?

2) I am told that because you have to decide which display is the PFD and which is the MFD, you can't display PFD on both sides simultaneously without installing a physical switch to force it. I know I have seen photos of both screens with the PFD being displayed, but I can't see a switch anywhere that does this. I can't believe this is true. Before I start wiring, does anyone know about this?

Long EZ N506DB (Builder)
Velocity N164PS (Rebuilder?)

#2: There is an on screen button that can do this. No switch required. The switch is required to force the screen into reversionary mode which is slightly different.

How about a Wifi module that lets you download updates directly to the system via the wifi in the hangar or phone hotspot? And while you are at it speed up the Garmin website so the update downloads don't take so long.
#2: There is an on screen button that can do this. No switch required. The switch is required to force the screen into reversionary mode which is slightly different.

Can you elaborate on the differences between the button push and actually forcing into reversion?
Can you elaborate on the differences between the button push and actually forcing into reversion?

In a nut shell...
In reversionary mode, the PFD flight instruments always show on the screen somewhere. In MFD mode, you can have full screen map, weather, traffic or PFD if you want.

We have two GDU 460/465 10.6" displays in our RV-7A (PFD1 and MFD1) and pretty much anytime we have two pilots onboard we have both displays operating in this format, and we don't have (or need) a reversion switch since the display is so readily configurable to support this. Anytime we are flying single pilot, we can quickly change the MFD display to remove the PFD panel and display map, weather, charts, procedures, big engine page, big traffic page - whatever suits our fancy. If we were to lose the PFD display, the MFD auto-reverts to always showing the PFD panel and doesn't let you remove it.


In a nut shell...
In reversionary mode, the PFD flight instruments always show on the screen somewhere. In MFD mode, you can have full screen map, weather, traffic or PFD if you want.

Thanks. That is a subtle difference. So under what circumstance would one want to put in a switch to force it to reversion? Since its an automatic feature on failure...

G3XPERT: Looks like we posted at the same time. I agree. No switch is needed. I'll tell my avionics shop not to install one. Thanks.
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I agree with Steve, no real reason to have a switch. I have one but rarely use it and when I do, I use it for purposes that most people would never need it for.
I would love to see a more configurable pages، especially with the engine page. With two screens, we could see a set of engine parameters on one screen and another set on the second screen. Also have the ability to display it at the bottom of the page. Something like GRT does
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are we ever going to get more aural alert options?

My system seems to have a variety of bings and bongs, but not as many "spoken" or aural alerts/alarms as the Dynon i used to fly

any plans for that Garmin?
Larger barbs and different color barbs on the winds aloft page. The small green barbs are very difficult to read.
I would love to be able to show ground speed in mph on the G5 and ground speed in knots on the G3X. However the G5 slaves to whatever is set for the G3X
Tab for PIREP form on info page with available data already displayed and explanations for information that can?t be automatically populated, like this:


1. Aircraft identification: [Automatically populated]
2. Location: [Automatically populated]
3. Time: [Automatically populated]
4. Altitude: [Automatically populated]
5. Aircraft Type: [Automatically populated]
6. Sky Condition: Describe cloud layers as few, scattered, broken or overcast, with associated altitudes
7. Temperature: [Automatically populated]
8. Turbulence: Describe frequency as occasional, intermittent or continuous and intensity as light, moderate, severe or extreme, with associated altitudes
9. Wind: [Automatically populated]
10. Icing: Describe accumulation as trace, light, moderate or severe and type as rime, clear or mixed. Report negative, when icing was forecast, but not encountered
11. Visibility: Flight visibility at altitude
12. Weather: Describe meteorological conditions such as thunderstorms, rain, snow, fog and hail
13. Remarks: Report additional useful information such as wind shear, storm location and movement, and lightning; describe lightning as in-cloud, cloud-to-cloud or cloud-to-ground

I would provide a lot more pireps if I had something like this.
Tab for PIREP form on info page with available data already displayed and explanations for information that can?t be automatically populated, like this:

That would be a great idea, I'd like to make the PIREPS more visible, they are a bit difficult to see on the map page view
Automatically set the weather altitude on the weather page for the weather closest to your actual altitude.

Setting for flap over speed for manual flaps.
I?d like to be able to set Baro Minimums without leaving the Approach chart on a single GDU touch system.