Question on “No need to throttle back”.
How about FP props. I have a wood Ed Sterba prop & O-320 160HP on my RV-4.
RVs (FP or CS) will do lazy figures (granny loops, cubans, etc.) all day from a cruise throttle setting in which case there is no need to pull power back on a loop. From a constant power setting it's physically impossible to exit a loop at a higher airspeed or RPM than what you started with unless you screw up and allow the airplane to exit lower than you started. To do actual round loops (and that'll never happen without ground coaching), you'll need to be at full power on top which means it's possible you might want to return the throttle to your entry setting on the way down if you have a FP prop. If you're attempting to fly an Intermediate level IAC sequence, you'll probably just have the throttle full the entire time except for spins.