Happy 50th! AARP, YES; benefit, NO. Glad you have a great crowd to share the big day!

I wanted to thank all of the pilots who joined to celebrate this Airport Bum's 50th!

The best shot of each plane is here.

Additionally, here is a group photo ...

In additional to being eligible for AARP, I also received my Russian 50 Wings !

Thanks so much for the great hospitality. I enjoyed meeting your local friends. They brought some great food!! Went well with the Whiskey and Rum!! The weather was perfect both days.

Here is the birthday Boy blowing out the candles

Here is Vlad is trying to determine the glide path of a Margarita to see if it could clear the trees at the end of Glens runway.

Looking forward to your next 50th!!
Jeff, we're going to start calling you "princess" given the size of the bed you slept in !

Did ANYONE get a picture of that?
Nice to meet you!


Thanks for lunch and the ice cream! Couldn't have asked for a better day, and I wish we could've stayed longer (and not just for dessert).

You have a beautiful and fun strip. The wheat was a gentle under-wingtip brush during taxi. When do you think they'll pick it? Seemed nearly ready.

Outbound flyby shots


Thanks Glen....another 50 more to you!


Thank you so much for being such a great host....ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! What a fantastic home and airstrip you have there. Glad I was able to make it. Headed out in the afternoon a little later than I had hoped for...but the flight was beautiful!


Glen has an absolute oasis of peace and tranquility in his little airport hamlet...with an awesome hanger/home!

Saturday his little piece of paradise became a magnet for pilots to congregate and have a great time talking aviation(and other things) and taking in the ambiance.



Even a number locals came out....with great food too!

I heard Glen allowed a therapist to come and hold a session who heard of the RV incurable addiction that has seized so many....he hoped to talk the madness out of these crazy RV addicts....but but the time I got there this is all that was left of the session
From what I understand after holding the session for a while....the therapist left in a hurry......TO ORDER AN EMPENNAGE KIT!

Alas...I was waiting to see Vladanoff but the shadows grew long and Glen graciously gave me a ride back to the airport....at the last minute the silver -9 performed a fly-by.

The trip home was very pleasant(other than the sun directly in the eyes

Arriving home....a great ending to a fantastic day....my thoughts were...what a life to be able to fly....it would not be the same without it:)

Thanks again Glen!
Thanks Glen

Happy birthday and thanks for great hospitality Glen!!! It was great meeting you, Jeff, Jim...even Skyking Bob at airport in passing. It was short notice and Vlad took the time to entertain and create a adventure!!
Thanks guys for accepting a west coast boy in on your fun!
Awesome place Glen....thanks again.
PS...anyone check in on Vlad... Left him late Sunday and he was on mend...I think:)
"SkykingBob" - it was great to meet you in person and you are a lucky man with that RV-8!

Jack - glad it work out for you to add Virginia to your many stops as you crisscross the USA !

Jeff - you get the award for most unflattering picture of me - I look a whole lot older than I feel !

Andrew - nice aerial shots ! The barley will likely get harvested in a week (weather permitting).

Disclaimer: no therapists were injured (at least not physically) during the events of June 7th and 8th.
Has there been a "Vlad Sighting" since the event ? He made a pretty direct track home and has not been seen since - hope we didn't scare him away with all of the food !