
I'm new to the vans community and starting to do alot of research into starting a project. I have not purchased anything yet and probably wont for at least 6 months but I figure its never to soon to start researching and learning.

Little background about me...I've had my private rating for about a year and half with right on 100 hours. Ive spent left seat time in 172's and a Archer mainly. but a couple hours here and there in a warrior and da40. I really enjoy flying but the 172 and archer class of planes just aren't able to achieve the goals i want. I have family that is scattered all over the country and not only do the 172 and archer just not cut it on lengthy trips but renting is not a cost effective way of conducting these trips either...which brings me to wanting to get into an RV7. and before anyone reads into it wrong, I by no means thing having a RV is going to be cheaper than renting. But i do think the advantages of building and then owning a plane out way the disadvantages.

I believe I have a good basis for getting started on building the plane. For the past 11 years I have been building race cars as a hobby. while its not exactly the same its taught me to trouble shoot and work with my hands which i believe will be invaluable. I ended up selling the last car last week and fate would have it, I stumbled upon the RV.

I'm currently in Frederick, MD and looking to meet up with some people that may be in the process of a RV project or to check a completed plane out and maybe go for a ride(id pay for the expense). I'd really like to hear first hand what you think of the project and how difficult it has been. For people that have finished id be curious to find out what its really cost you compared to what you budgeted when you started.

I look forward to one day being a contributing member of the community..
Dave Hirschman is right there at FDK with his RV4 plus he knows the other RV flyers and builders on the field. I am close by on the FDK 155 radial @17nm at GAI, fly an RV4 and building an RV8. Contact me offline if you would like to come down and see the project. We have a few other RV's on the field here as well. Mike Bullock who also posted knows all the gang over at DMW.

There is a very active EAA chapter at FDK as well. Probably a good thing to check out especially if you are a new builder.
Thanks for all the quick replys! Im going to be sending a few of you a PM about trying to meet up. Looking forward to it.
Dave Hirschman is right there at FDK with his RV4 plus he knows the other RV flyers and builders on the field. I am close by on the FDK 155 radial @17nm at GAI, fly an RV4 and building an RV8. Contact me offline if you would like to come down and see the project. We have a few other RV's on the field here as well. Mike Bullock who also posted knows all the gang over at DMW.

There is a very active EAA chapter at FDK as well. Probably a good thing to check out especially if you are a new builder.

thanks for the reply! I use to fly out of GAI in the octopus flying club. I sent you a PM
RV-Grin accomplished! Mike got his first ride in an RV today and needless to say had a great time!

was absolutely awesome! That experience was everything I imagined flying to be when I started out. Couldn't have been happier. Thanks again Mike for the ride. Cant wait to start my own build!

Welcome! I'm nearby as well... and currently building the wings for an RV-8. I'll PM you my contact info.
