
Well Known Member
I have some Akzo left that is about 8 years old. With the price of Akzo these days, I don't want to throw it away unless I'm sure it's of no use. I mixed some up yesterday, prepped a piece of aluminum and sprayed it on. Looking at the result today, it appears as bullet proof as it did when it was new. Does anyone have experience using old Akzo? Should I use this seemingly good primer even though it is well beyond the expiration date?
After it’s cured put some masking tape on it and let it set for about a week then violently rip it off and see what happens? Use it on small parts and not major paint surfaces.
a pro aircraft painter once told me the paint itself is no problem, the hardener more. Turning yellow in color and thickening.
Spray on some test piece first to test. I used some 5 year expired stuff 30 years ago, and still holding up pretty tough :D