The RV’s condition inspection is complete, but there was three inches of water flowing over my taxiway this morning (storms last night) and I didn’t want to get water in the grease of the new tailwheel. Did some other things while out there. Hope you had a nice weekend! v/r,dr


Fuel system testing? Topping off the system blocks?
With the fuel lines made and installed I capped of the tank connections and ran a temporary connection between the 2 firewall fittings. With all that in place I pressurized with air to 80lbs - about twice working pressure and let it sit. It took a few rounds of soapy water spray but the leaks were found. All fixed by tightening the fittings. Eventually it sat for a week with out loosing pressure.
As a few of the fittings become hard to reach later the sooner you install and test them the better.
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 1.11.02 PM.png

What did you do with your RV this weekend? (May 4-5, 2024)
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 6.38.43 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 1.13.27 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 1.12.43 PM.png

Prop hub spacer
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 1.42.03 PM.png

Riveting dent - Did I ruin this piece?
Working on the final rivets of the 14 HS and had the bucking bar and rivet gun on the wrong rivet. Big time dent. Is this piece ruined or fixable? The dent is around 1/32nd deep.
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 6.41.15 PM.png

IFR to Huron
More of a mini write up but maybe some motivation for those building.
[ed. Be sure to read Bob Turner's reply. I learn something new every day on this website. What an amazing collection of brains! v/r,dr]
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 6.42.02 PM.png

Dented Pushrod Shroud
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 6.25.27 PM.png

This Explains CO Reading….Scott Coulson reply
Leakage at join on crossover pipe, right side of hose clamp visible on left side of photo. Also leaks at top of pipe clamp in center of photo. What looks like a crack in the middle of the top of the 'Y' on both the top pipe clamp and the pipe itself, is just a bad angle on the photo. No crack actually there.
Is some degree of leakage into the cowled area forward of the firewall just assumed to occur? A 'normal' condition? If I assume that the answer is yes, I am back to modifying the cabin's overall in/out flow profile. Firewall looked good - no obvious leaks. Also no easy way to put pressure on it to find any.….220774/#post-1766275
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 6.33.14 PM.png


PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at:
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