I'm no expert but I believe it is.
Organic vapors and particulates are what you're trying to stop.

EDIT: just make sure this cartridge fits your mask...
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I think that set is fine but I prefer #60926. A bit more protection.
If you smell anything, stop and figure out why.

Better still, buy a HobbyAir.
Another tip. The cartridges are designed to absorb VOCs. Date the cartridges and store the mask in a large zip bag with a dessicant pack. If left out, they will absorb from ambient air and loose effectively. Replace annually. Use the old ones as dust filters. I keep two masks. One for paint. One for dust. HobbyAir is used when spraying.
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If you can afford it buy a Hobby air unit. We us it inside houses painting trim. Bulky and hate lugging the 100 foot hose around but love the fresh air.
Yes we use it when painting airplanes, cars, and what not.
Make sure to get extra shield covers as they get pretty screwed up with static paint particles. Also two lengths of supply hose.