
Just getting started on the tail cone, which has me thinking ahead about priming it.

So far I've been using SW P60G2 internal on the other emp. parts. It works OK, but it seems like it's not the most durable and is very susceptible to scrapes and scratches. No matter how careful I am, it seems there are always minor scrapes and dings from the squeezer and/or bucking bar after assembly. I usually then go back and touch-up those areas with some rattle-can primer before closing up or after final assembly. It's not pretty, but since those areas will likely never see the light of day again it doesn't really bother me.

But this has me thinking about the inside of the tail cone. It seems this area will see a lot of traffic throughout the build as servos, batteries, cables, etc. are installed, adjusted etc., and even after flying as a result of inspections and so on. I just envision how scratched up the P60G2 could get in there over time, or how many layers of rattle can touch-ups will build up :) .

So I've thought about perhaps top-coating with jetflex or something, or perhaps switching over to an epoxy primer of some sort for this area which presumably would be more durable? Probably whatever I do here will also be good practice for whatever I end up doing inside the fuselage when the time comes.

Those who have traveled this road ahead of me, what has your experience been?
But priming and top coating everything will double the work...

My vote is, you should switch to epoxy primer if you want durability. It's not as hard to work with as it may seem. AkzoNobel is the main choice.
If you want to go the environmentally friendly route and not deal with bad fumes, I've sprayed test pieces of Ekopoxy in the past with good results. After it cured it was very durable, resistant to solvents, and held up to dimpling; just like Akzo.
I followed Cessna's lead. Look inside your C-172's tailcone and do the same.

Yeah I know I have. It's some kind of green primer. Thing is I'm not crawling back in my C172's tail cone every other day with a rivet gun and bucking bar :)
Just use the same good epoxy sealer primer for everything (like PPG DP-40) and end the pain. It is amazingly durable.
