pierre smith

Well Known Member
Mornin' everybody. We started to mount our freshly overhauled carb yesterday and noticed that the mounting holes are about 1/2 inch in diameter and taper down to 5/16" at the nut end. Is there supposed to be a bushing in the holes or not? Do we use lock washers and locknuts?
Pierre Smith
don't know about the oversize holes? no bushing in the holes either way and use one washer or two if required, starwasher, nut, no fibre locks and only use new starwashers every time
Back in the old days there were bushings in those mounting holes, but they discontinued the necessity of installing them very many years ago. So no bushings are necessary. The carb mounting hardware mentioned in the previous post is the way to go. It is difficult to find course threaded lock nuts and the threads on the carb mount studs are normally course threads. If you had course thread locknuts, you could use them with flat washers, it wouldn't hurt anything.
Good Luck,