
Well Known Member
I have an Avery air squeeze and was looking for a simple hand squeeze for minor repairs and thought maybe I could interchange the yokes that I now have.

I contacted ATS supply and they suggested this

It doesn't look that heavy duty and I'm not sure if my existing yokes will
interchange as it comes with its own.

Would anyone on here have any experience with this kit?


I have an Avery air squeeze and was looking for a simple hand squeeze for minor repairs and thought maybe I could interchange the yokes that I now have.

I contacted ATS supply and they suggested this

It doesn't look that heavy duty and I'm not sure if my existing yokes will
interchange as it comes with its own.

Would anyone on here have any experience with this kit?



If your intention is to use this squeezer as your go-to item, I would suggest strongly a different type. I have this squeezer and it is NOT my go-to squeezer by a long shot.
Cleveland Tool’s Main Squeeze is the best I have found. It uses the same yokes as my pneumatic squeezer, and I usually reach for it first. :cool:
Rivet Squeezer

I have one similar to ATS model, hopeless. The Cleveland model mentioned above , so much better, if doing by hand. If doing lots of riveting,and you can afford it, get the Numatix squeezer. This is pricey, but a lot better than a generic pneumatic squeezer. I have tried all 4 of the above and find the Cleveland hand squeezer for some jobs and the Numatx hydrolic squeezer for multiple edge riveting, great.
I'd be hesitant

Sadly, my experience so far has not been positive with anything ATS branded. Most of the ATS items I originally ordered have been replaced with equivalent items from, mostly, Cleveland or Brown tools.
Confirmed what I had thought. I'll stick with the pneumatic Avery Squeeze that I have for the time being.

