Tom Finch

Are there any builders/owners in the Mid Atlantic area that can share some advice, let me get some pictures, or a ride, in an RV? I am in the planning stages of a 9A build. I am heading to OSH and hope to get some advice there as well but a local resource would be more beneficial. I am currently hangared/flying out of EVY in Middletown, De. and can fly in to see your plane/build.

My partner and I built a -7a and hangar it at ILG with another guy who built a -7. I live just up the road from you outside of Newark. Send me an e-mail message and we'll figure out how to get together ([email protected])

Looking for help...I'm in Laurel, DE

I'm building an RV6A in Laurel,DE...haven't checked the charts for where you are - but yoo CAN fly to me...N06 (grass - with parachutes) - zap me direct,
recapen (at)