
I'm New Here
I am a RV-6 builder and after almost 13 years have now completed the build project and am about to commit to the first flight.

I have installed a Navaid autopilot with the servo in the right hand wing tip and have submitted this to our regulatory authority in the United Kingdom the Popular Flying Association (PFA) for approval as an accepted modification for my aircraft.

After some discussion with the PFA?s Chief Engineer he has agreed that the installation is technically sound and safe however with no other RV-6/6A builder in the UK submitting this installation for acceptance before he wishes to obtain endorsements from other RV-6/6A builders that they have done a similar installation and flown their aircraft with it for a known number of hours and have not had any incidents or unsafe characteristics during that time.

Has anyone a similiar wing tip installation and would be willing to offer me an endorsement that I may submit to the PFA about their installation, whether a RV6 or RVA and the aircraft registration, the number of hours in operation and any other observations that might assist me in obtaining acceptance.
Thanks Jeff

That is Sam Buchanans web link showing his friend Bob Butlers installation, I have exchanged emails with Sam and forwarded also to Bob and I am hoping that Bob will be able to help out.

Sam believes there are other RV'ers with wing tip installations out there and I am hoping they will contact me and help with endorsement of their own installations.

Bob Carswell