I need to replace some AN470AD4-6 bucked rivets and I'll have to use blind rivets this time. Should I only use a CR3213-4-6? Is there anything wrong with using a longer Cherrymax (I have some spare CR 4-7s)?
CherryMax rivets are very precise fasteners, and need to fit the hole diameter and depth precisely - get the Cherry measuring tool (relatively inexpensive) before buying rivets.
Section 5

Hi Ross7-Builder…

Have you seen the information on CherryMax rivets in Section 5 of the builders manual?

Also, the AC 43-13B has some good information too.

When I was at the point of making the same decision you are making, I looked everywhere BUT these two places. 😂

Out of curiosity, what is your application for these fasteners.

Hope you are well and Merry Christmas!
Scott, been out of town for a week and just saw your notes. I'll take a look at both documents. I'm sure I'll learn some things. Installing the doubler for the outboard elevator hinge potential cracking identified in SB 00036 and saw a few misshapen rivets on the aft side of the original inboard hinge. Looks like good candidates for replacement with Cherrymax. And a good Christmas to you, also!
As well Vans has a great video on how to lube Cherry Max rivets before you set them. I cannot recommend this video enough

Funny, at one time I worked in an aircraft mod shop where we installed thousands of these in a year, and not a one lubricated. They all set properly using the published procedure in the tech data for the Cherry max rivets ( no lubrication).

Perhaps if one is using a puller not really designed for the high pulling forces necessary to set Cherry Max rivets as in the video, the lubrication helps.