
Well Known Member
Hi. We use AKZO and find it fantastic. But, being really new to this, we don't yet have a feel for how much to mix for an application.

We had a priming session today and hand only enough to coat 1 side of the ribs we were working on. :(

Do you think we can simply mix another batch tomorrow, re-clean, and spray the other side?

This is similar to two other recent threads:




but didn't want to create thread creep....

I don?t think you have a problem at all. I have run out many times and mixed another batch. Usually by the time you mix the next batch and wait the induction time you can start spraying again. You are probably putting it on too thick if you need to wait an entire day.

I'm sure Akzo coverage is different but I calculate P60G2 @ 3 sq/ft per ounce of mixed primer and usually have a little left. Jet Flex is 2 sq/ft to get opaque coverage.
Ran out of Sun Light

Ray, We've done too thick before. This time it was just starting too late in the day to do any more.

Larry, We will try your calculation tomorrow.

Thank you both for your thought!
Yep, just mix a new batch and spray. If you are packing up your gear and spraying the next day, I would suggest a wipe down to clean any dust or possible contamination before spray.

Typically if I run short, I just mix and spray right then. Only if I am time or weather limited (late in the day with the sun going down or a potential storm coming in) do I pack it up and respect another day. Lately I tend to have excess paint at the end of the session and use that for any touch ups needed on prior parts that were assembled.

It has not been mentioned yet so I'll put this out there for your consideration. It is possible to place unused portions of Akzo in the freezer for short term later use ... ideally within a couple of days. Just bring the paint to room temps mix well, strain and you are good to go. The freezing temps almost stops the curing process.

I've done this a few times and it works well. It is really handy to keep a little in the freezer after each spray session ... so if you find a thin spot the next day, just place the leftover Akzo in an airbrush and touch up the thin spots.