
I too have a very efficient panel layout in my RV-8 that leaves little room for for expansion. So when I decided that having my new 486 up front to view weather, metars and airport information and not have the unit lay in my lap, I constructed the bracket shown below.

Mounted with two bolts to the windscreen support/roll bar WD-814, the bracket is constructed from spare aluminum sheet and parts scavenged from the yoke mount that comes with the Garmin. The angle is perfect for viewing, is easy to manipulate and detaches easily when I need the device in the back seat for my copilot wife. When she flies with me, she not only has navigation ability and weather information, but a GPS derived instrument panel for flying the plane from the back seat when ever necessary. All of the wires tuck in neatly and stay in place with a few small cable ties.



Robert Saltsman
RV-8 flying
RV-8 building
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Excellent, that's just what I was looking for. Do you have a website or can you post pics of your full panel? Inquiring minds and all.... :)
I like clever, simple solutions Robert - and that scores on both! Nice mounting idea!
