
Well Known Member
Congradulations John Nyes on your first fight of an RV-10.

From the SoCAL-RVList at yahoogroups
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From: Kevin Osborn <[email protected]>
Date: Sat May 14, 2005 6:37 pm
Subject: History kosborn_2000

Hi all,

I wanted to let you know I witnessed history today for
the RV world.

Today for 20 minutes the first customer built RV-10
flew today at KO38, Owasso, OK.

The plane N3146S owned and piloted by John Nyes flew
today. He confirmed with Van's yesterday that He
would be the first.

I got some great video. If someone has someplace to
post it I can send it to you. I don't know what it
will look like reduced to 5 mb.

Anyway, there should be another 10 in Oregon that will
fly in about 2 weeks.

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Congratulations and our hats of to Mr. Nyes!!!!

I'm really looking forward to seeing some pictures of the plane.

A great day!
Video of 1st customer built RV-10

...was emailed to me by the video operator (Kevin Osborn) and will be featured shortly on the site (URL to follow).

Way to go John (and Kevin)!!!

Low speed pass?

Just gotta ask-

Is a high speed low alt pass a needed task on a maiden flight?

I know they are cool to show off to the crowd watching but would it not be more prudent to perform such manuvers until after all of the first flight tasks have been performed and a post flight inspection completed?

I don't mean to be a party pooper but I don't want other pilots perhaps less skilled as you becoming an unfortunate statistic.


robin wessel
Congrats on the flight.
Interestingly enough there is no mention about this on the Van's site. I thought the first flight of a customer built RV-10 would be front page news for them :confused:
First flight

The flight appears to have been made on Saturday. :) Van's is closed on Saturday. :( I'll bet it's there first thing Monday morning.

Marshall Alexander
I have been keeping an eye on the Van's site about this and in the past week. The only thing that I have noticed is the flying RV-10 count has gone from 2 to 3. Has Van's said anything else?