
I'm New Here
It appears this thread and the one mentioned on Honda engines have disappeared. I tried the suggestion mentioned in the Honda thread, but both fail to appear when I open up the Options to a longer time frame.

Where did they go?
I was contacted by an employee of Crossflow. He mentioned the words 'slander' and 'legal', so I deleted the thread discussing that company. So, I need to remind the group that 'company bashing', as well as 'individual bashing' is not allowed in the forums.

I suggested this individual respond in the forums, as it could result in some very good PR. He said he could not comment because it was 'in legal'.

Interprete this as you see fit, and take this into consideration when making your engine decision. Weigh all factors...

Interesting. There was nothing slanderous posted, just factual experience.

Good advice to thoroughly check vendors out. It is hard to do when the vendors squash any discussions they don't like. That is how Crossflow keeps going.
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This is crazy. We don't live in a communist country. This is the land of free speech and there is nothing illegal or unlawful about what was on those Crossflow posts. This is YOUR site, not Crossflow's. If they don't like it, they can respond but won't. One of the big, big benefits of this site is to let people know about comapanies with questionable practices so that others don't get burned. I guess I just don't understand. I hope we don't let it get to a point when people will be too afraid to give their opinion on an RV product because of something like this.

always repsectful,
Agree on most points there, Tobin. Having said that those threads were a little past the 'I am an unsatisfied customer' statement - several used words that could be interepted as slanderous (by an attorney). I got some great advice once - you can be sued by anybody for any reason. So, I deleted the threads to minimize the exposure.

Changing the sub, went flying this morning 0630 before it got to windy (gusting 35 now). Engine is breaking in really nice.

I hear you Doug. I guess in the end it's your behind on the line, not us posters. Glad your 360 is breaking in ok. I love my IO-360/CS combo.

(now extra engine power)

You ain't kidding! The extra 'umph' when I push the throttle in is almost too good to be true. Flash is a whole new airplane!

I had the prop dynamically balanced last Tuesday and it came out at .16 (tech said anything under .20 is good). Replaced the plugs yesterday....it's like it's jet powered now. Really, the difference is unbelievable.

Oh, and the overhead break into an *actual* decending circle (instead of a long rectangle with rounded corners) is just too darn cool.

Typical response from a company that has something to hide. Rather than respond with their side of the story, they threaten to sue to silence it. :rolleyes:
Crossflow thread

Wow am I shocked Crossflow would respond like that. WAFJ!!!! Several have said all that needs to be said.

Are there ANY Crossflow powered RV's anywhere?
Are there any Crossflow powered airplanes of any make/model out there?
Are there any customers out there with actual experience with Crossflow?

Not to bash companies, just want the facts, nothing but the facts.

I would think if it is fact you can say it :confused:

When Doug says no company bashing, I hope that does that mean you can't respectfully critizes or make a statment of services or products of any kind? I understand Doug taking the posts off since he can't verify if the info is fair and correct. I guess if you have your own web site/Blog you can say anything you want :eek:

Cheers George RV-4, RV-7 building
Getting Sued

Doug, I also agree in most cases that a person can get sued for just about anything, however after working in the justice system for over 25 years, I don't think you have to worry about Crossflow suing you. Think about it, they going to sue you for bad comments about their company that are true??? If there is one thing I appreciate about the flying community and specifically the RV group, is that few if any of the folks I have met are liars, or make stories like these up. Just my .02
getting sued

I agree with most of the previous posters that the likelyhood of Crossflow suing Doug is close to zero. However, I'm sure that being on the receiving end of any idiotic lawsuits would still be an annoying hassle. Most people just don't want to waste their time fighting with knuckleheads. A few have the time and resources to do this, and we're all better off for it, but it's not for everyone.
Hi George...

The thread that was deleted included posts by at least one (I believe more than one) RV-builder who had sent money to Crossflow for an engine for an RV. This (these?) builder(s) was(were) very disappointed by their experience and had detailed the reasons for the disappointment in the thread.

In other words, the threads did not contain heresay. This was not rumor. This was substantial and credible information about this(these) builder's experience with Crossflow. I imagine this is why Crossflow felt threatened by the thread. It contained credible information that was not flattering to them.

I too am disappointed that Doug chose to remove the thread, although I understand his reasoning. As I had followed the thread, I did not believe anything there would have exposed Doug to legal liability. I believe Crossflow's apparently intimidating communication with Doug speaks volumes. Here you have one of the principal ambassadors for the RV comminity, Doug Reeves, receiving veiled threats from a company trying to sell engines to the RV Community. I guess we can all draw our own conclusions.

RV-9A preview plans
There were several posts from current Crossflow customers that were factual, but they were pulled. That is not a good endorsement of their product. Bottom line, not many of Crossflow's products are flying in anything. My advice (I hope advice is acceptable) is to wait until they have several hundred flying, just like the RVs. A good strong track record is the best recommendation anyone can have. Anything else is still in the development stage and not ready for prime time. That is just my opinion. It is up to you if you want to take the risk.