
Well Known Member
I was watching Utoob and came across this little gem of a tutorial on forming under wing cargo pods for the RV's. I'm not much on fiberglass (not enough patience for this big of a job) but for you dark side adventures this would be a fun project especially for those with RV8's that have thought it would be cool to have the drop tank look on your little fighter plane!
It's a classic ...

I was watching Utoob and came across this little gem of a tutorial on forming under wing cargo pods for the RV's. I'm not much on fiberglass (not enough patience for this big of a job) but for you dark side adventures this would be a fun project especially for those with RV8's that have thought it would be cool to have the drop tank look on your little fighter plane!

It's definitely a classic - Mike Arnold passed away - October 6th, 2015.
His instructional material is excellent, and his airplane(s) were records of perfection. Can learn a lot from watching his videos.

The underwing pod does look very interesting and would be a nice addition for some purposes. The technique of making molds and producing multiple units is fascinating. Most of us will never have the level of patience and skill to achieve this, but it would certainly make a very intriguing 'look'.
Awesome video

That was really an awesome video. Makes you want to build a fiberglass airplane, doesn't it? LOL! My kit came mostly pre-molded with the joggles built in, but there were a few things I had to build myself using similar techniques. My airbox and ram air intake, for example. I was just making one-off pieces for those so I only had to make a plug and take the finished parts off of that. Even so, it was a lot of work. I didn't know about the Chavant clay or the DP-40 trick. Thanks for posting this!
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I didn't realize cargo pods were feasible on an RV. Sounds like just the solution I need for taking two folks golfing. Are any such pods available commercially for an RV7? I would really be interested!

Bob Cowan, 500+ hrs RV7A
Wow - what a craftsman! Now I realize how totally crude my glass-working skills are. That was a serious "drinking from a fire hose" tutorial!
I didn't realize cargo pods were feasible on an RV. Sounds like just the solution I need for taking two folks golfing. Are any such pods available commercially for an RV7? I would really be interested!

I could make you one. I helped Steve Smith install anchors for a pod in the belly of his RV-8, but we never got around to building a pod. Feel free to look me up off-forum.

--Bob K.
That's not the only video Mike Arnold has on YouTube. His other videos show how he made the AR-5 the fastest airplane in that weight category, which held International Record for almost a decade. It had a 0.88 square foot equivalent flat plate drag area. After Mike's passing his family made these educational videos available on YouTube for free. They're totally worth watching from start to finish, every one of them. The AR5 went over 200 MPH on 65 horsepower I recall.
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