
Well Known Member
I recently purchased property in Trinidad. Are there any RV owners based at the Trinidad airport, KTAD?

If so, I?d like to make contact.

Sorry, no detailed airport info.

My wife?s Aunt/Uncle moved there several years ago and we visit a couple times a year. I think it?s a neat area. Flown in a couple times and around the vicinity, make sure you get a big enough hangar for a visitor occasionally!
Geez, I used to fly Aero Commander 500Bs there a lifetime ago for a freight company taking checks, Photo Mat and US Mail in the mid 80's. Haven't thought of that place in years.
Colorado RVs

I manage a Goggle Group, Colorado RVs. We are 40+. None in Trinidad but quite a few i Colorado Springs. If you want to join, shoot me an e-mail (below) from a G-mail account.
Thanks all for the replies. This is a place to park our motorhome part time.

I don?t suspect I?ll be getting up to the springs very often, but thanks for the offer to join the Colorado group.

I checked the white pages but didn?t see anyone listed in Trinidad or Raton. The Raton airport is about 45 min south of me, maybe I?ll drive down one day to check it out.

I'm 30 minutes north at 1V6... you'll recognize the airplane from the avatar. My crop dusting buddy has an RV4 at Raton. Ask for Martin.

Take care,

Hi Hans,

Nice to hear from you again!

When you said 30 min north I thought "That's not a bad drive at all to see Hans, but it doesn't sound right..." Then I realized it was a 30 min RV flight, which equates to a 2:20 drive!! :)

I'll mosey on down to Raton sometime next week and see if I can find Martin, or the guy that has the RV-7 there.

We'll be here until the crisis eases to the point that we can travel, then we'll head out for a few months. We expect to be back here in September.
