Thank you to the awesome folks using the newly updated forum software, and those choosing an ‘account upgrade’ subscription. You folks, along with some great advertisers, keep the lights on here. On to today’s edition, and hoping you and yours have a happy, safe and RV-filled weekend.

From Last Weekend’s Thread
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RV-8 aft battery box for 2 EarthX900-VNT
I've modified my F-877A-1 battery tray to accept two EarthX 900-VNT batteries, side by side, with a contactor for each. I checked the loads, and it's well over-strength and quite stiff.
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Software 16.7.0 for Experimental SkyView Available
SkyView software version 16.7.0 is now available for download from the Dynon website.
This update contains improvements and fixes for SkyView systems.
See the "What's new" area on the software download page for your SkyView product for full details.
This release is for use with experimental SkyView systems only.

RV-10 Exhaust Fit Not Right
I can’t get clearance on the exhaust it’s touching the nose gear mount and the cowling. I have turned it every which way to no avail. What am I missing. Please note I am no master of exhausts and moderately unfamiliar with non rusty types.
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Fuel sender wires location?
I didn't want to run this wire through the fuel line grommet for the reasons that Mel stated, especially since I have a capacitance system that has an actual power wire, not just a wire measuring resistance.
I used the routing somebody else already mentioned; I installed caterpillar grommet on the skin edge forward of the spar cutout, sleeved the wire with chafe protection, then routed it out in the gap between the skin and the spar web. It's held in place with a dab of RTV, a couple of wire tie mounts glued to the skin with E6000, and a couple of adel clamps butterflyed off the fuel vent line.
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Dynon comm constant sq break/ static
For suppressing noise a lot of people stop at capacitors but especially for higher frequency noise components ferrite cores are your friend. Whether or not you know it, you see these all the time on computer cables in everyday use. In my case I had noise getting in to my intercom. I made a pass-through connector adapter with ferrite cores for the intercom connector. It was very effective at making my noise problem go away. It would have been more satisfying finding the source of the noise but at least I was able to stop it. It is interesting, and in retrospect not unexpected, that you found your noise source to be the LED lights. I'm going to file that nugget away!
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PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at:
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