Five hours on motion today in the sim. Twelve approaches. I’m kinda tard. dr


Drilling Engine Mount Ooops
This one kinda hurts. I’m not quite sure what I was thinking. I read and thought I understood what I was doing when I drilled the engine mount to the firewall but I obviously miscalculated. I know what I did wrong and would obviously do it very differently next time.
That being said, here I am. As you can see from the picture, the lower two engine mount bolts didn’t completely take out the pre-drilled hole in the firewall WD-803-L&R weldments. I emailed Vans and their response was that due to the location and nature of the 4130 steel that it is fine to leave it as is. The 4130 steel isn’t as susceptible to developing cracks. They recommended to put a larger washer on the backside of the firewall I assume to spread out the clamping force of the bolt.
Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 6.13.29 PM.png

Simple green
Without going into too many juicy details, 150ml of concentrate Simple Green (not the aluminum friendly version) solution spilled in the backseat of my RV8 , mainly leaking into the fuselage through the flap pushrod on the left side.
I cleaned it up by removing some panels in the baggage area and using an extended pole with rags to reach as far back as the rear bulkhead.

Finished RV-6 Pic …egp8111
Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 6.16.16 PM.png

Oil Cooler Bracket…tracy RV-8
I’ve had no trouble with this mount.
Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 9.12.03 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 9.14.32 AM.png

PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at: