
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
It looks like I might have to go up to NASA Headquarters as part of a special assignment for several months after the first of the year. I'd be working up there on a weekly basis, and commuting back to Texas on some weekends. I have not paid a great deal of detailed attention to the DC ADIZ debate (except to voice my generic objections to airspace grabs!), but now I am thinking that the RV-8 might be a nice way to commute - expecially since I can get someone else to pay for the gas, and the cost comes out cheaper than what we have to pay for airline tickets!

If I were to do this, I'd need a GA-friendly airport with easy ground transportation into DC, and hangar space on a semi-transient basis. Now, when ya'll stop laughing hysterically...any recomendations?

Paul Dye

When I finish my -9 and want to visit my father in DC, I'm planning on flying to Frederick, MD (home of AOPA). It is not in the DC ADIZ and is about 30-40 minute drive from DC (good traffic). Not sure about hangar space.
Good luck!

If you find anything, let me know! Frederick is the closest non-ADIZ airport to me and is an hour away. Last I checked, T hangers in the DC area were $400+ with long waiting lists.

Manassas (KHEF) is inside the ADIZ, but has a commuter rail that goes to Washington in the mornings. The rail service is called Virginia Railway Express (or VRE), and I believe their schedule is online.

Also, I work at the airport and live 30 minutes away, so if you need a lift I can help me at MLG28 (at)

Hangars here are expensive and there's a waiting list, but I'll ask around about temporary or shared hangars. The local EAA chapter (186) has a hangar for annuals and such...maybe you can reach out to them?

I second Martin's idea's. Manassas would be the easiest, but it is within the ADIZ...Closest to HEF outside the ADIZ would be Warrenton (W66) a great little airport.

I live only about 10 minutes from Manassas and if you need anything let me know.
Thanks Everyone!

I will keep all these ideas in mind, and if it comes to pass, maybe I'll get a chance to meet some more great RV'ers! I sure woudl hate to leave the -8 here in Houston and not fly for a few months...

I guess if I want to operate inside the ADIZ (really not a problem IFR), I have to put on 12" numbers...

No 12" Numbers Need Apply


I have my -8 at Manassas and you don't have to have 12" numbers to operate in this ADIZ. There are two FBOs with large community type hangars. That might be a better option if you're transient. I pay $350 for my T and it is one of the oldest on the field. I know of a couple of Ts that might be available but you'd be paying monthly rent whether your plane is there or not. As far as the ADIZ is concerned, especially if you're IFR, no big deal. In fact it isn't too much of a big deal if you're VFR, you just have to work the system. But don't get me wrong, it absolutely makes no sense whatsoever.

Rick McBride
Thanks Rick - good information!

I'm working really hard to get out of having to live up at HQ for that time- I'm just not a Headquarter's wonk - but still might have to make a few trips. An FBO transient hangar is probably what I'd use for short stays. If I do get up there...I'll let you know, and I'll look you up!
