
Well Known Member
One question I've had about the subaru packages that has me a little stumped is where is everyone finding autogas to burn in it? I don't think I've EVER been to a GA airport that has regular unleaded (maybe I just haven't looked hard enough). If its not there at most airports, are people using additives (which I suspect increase the per gallon cost significantly) or are they just managing their fuel very very carefully after they dispense it from the big tank in the back of their pickup trucks?

Also when they need maintenance, who is going to do it?

I'm all for packages like the Eggenfellner. On a daily, practical basis, though, how practical are they?

For those flying them, any thoughts?

alpinelakespilot2000 said:
One question I've had about the subaru packages that has me a little stumped is where is everyone finding autogas to burn in it? I don't think I've EVER been to a GA airport that has regular unleaded (maybe I just haven't looked hard enough). If its not there at most airports, are people using additives (which I suspect increase the per gallon cost significantly) or are they just managing their fuel very very carefully after they dispense it from the big tank in the back of their pickup trucks?

Also when they need maintenance, who is going to do it?

I'm all for packages like the Eggenfellner. On a daily, practical basis, though, how practical are they?

For those flying them, any thoughts?


There are quite a few Eggenfellner engines flying now. The e-motor Subaru uses the std O2 sensors. They work ok on 100LL though they do foul eventually. Many of the operators have several hundred hours. The e-motor package looks very practical. A good friend has bought one for his RV-9. I have seen it running. Very nice package. Not super cheap now though.
Bill Jepson

For the Eggenfellner engine (and others ) Decalin Chemicals supply a product called TCP, costs around $1 per 20 gallons of fuel I think. This allows the use of 100LL in engines designed for unleaded.

A recent topic of the eggenfellner discussion board covered how some have set up supplies to run their aircraft on unleaded, seems the cost savings are worth it, and there was some thought that the engines actually run better on mogas.

Here is the url for decalin.