
Well Known Member
Spot landing contest and get-together October 7th at O27

Posted on behalf of the EAA Chapter 90 prez:

Several of us at Chapter 90 in Oakdale have gotten
together and decided that before all the good weather
fades away that we needed one more event to top off
our summer. As a chapter we try to fly out every month
so we figured "what the heck" let's fly in for a
change. So we had planned a little spot landing
contest within our chapter. You know, the kind where
the only prize is bragging rights.

That sounded like a good idea so we planned it for
October 7th (Saturday morning). The more we talked the
more we realized that this would be a whole lot more
fun if we could get a few more pilots and airplanes
and add food to the deal. After all, what do pilots
like more than flying and food!

What we decided we needed was an event where some of
our local chapters could get together. Hence this
invitation to you and your members. We know it's short
notice, but our EAA insurance and permission from the
airport manager are already set. There are too many
other conflicts on our calendars to move it so we
decided to throw it out there and see if we could
attract a few fellow EAA members to join our fun.

We are planning to get together at 9:00 am Saturday
morning October 7th. We will fly and BS until noon and
then have a BBQ with hamburgers and other food items.
The spot landing contest is pretty straight forward
and we'll have the rules outlined for anyone wanting
to participate. No need to participate in the contest
if you don't want. We'd just love to have as many
great airplanes on the ramp as possible. Lot's of
looking around and getting to know each other better.

This is meant as a very low-key event. The entire
intent is to just have a good time getting together as
chapters and socializing, laughing at our landings and
bragging about our projects.

Please pass the invitation on to your members. Again,
we know it's short notice but if it turns out to be as
much fun as we think it will be we'll plan it as an
annual event each year.

If at all possible I would like participants to RSVP
to me at kevinrv7a@... so we can plan for the
food and drinks.

Thanks a lot and I hope to see you and your members
there in October.

Best regards,

Kevin Haslebacher
President, Chapter 90
Oakdale, CA
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