Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Every Sunday with decent flying weather, a group gathers at the Shannon airport (or, so I?m told) for a breakfast run. I decided to take advantage of, what is reported to be, unseasonably nice weather and join the group this morning. A great way to meet some more RVers at my new home airport.

As we prepared for departure, two RV-8s, one RV-6As, my RV-6, a Spits (the pilot left his RV-4 behind today), and a Cherokee 180(?) joined up. About the time the RVs caught up with the other planes, one of the -8s developed a disturbing stutter and we all decided to land at the closest airport, New Kent (northeast of Richmond). After inspecting the engine, the owners decided they were good to go and we all continued onto Wakefield, south of Richmond. But, the sputter returned and the one -8 and the Spits (with it?s A&P pilot) returned north. Then we were four.

Wakefield is a good destination. You land, call the local ?Virginia Diner?, wait 15 minutes, and they whisk you off for a classic, Virginia meal?.with lots of peanuts. My lunch consisted of Virginia ham biscuits, fresh apples with peanut sauce, and peanut pie. Not bad.

The flight home was uneventful except for looking up from a radio frequency change to see a bald eagle perhaps 15 feet below. Yikes! And, I don?t think I?ve flown so many miles at 2000? msl and 105 kts since getting the RV. But, it was a wonderful group of folks and a very nice morning. Oh, and the -8 made it home okay. No report on the source of the problem.

Photos available at: http://picasaweb.google.com/DrKarst/062407BreakfastFlight
I like the picture of the "Virginia Lunch"....those heavy biscuits and ham look just about like a "Texas Breakfast", with heavy biscuits and that thick white gravy....not sure that either does much good for our weight and balance or arteries, but hey...as long as it's only once in awhile! :)

Sounds like a nice morning with lots of good aviating, and an active group of people - and the airports seem to be a little closer togetehr out east than back in the west!
