
I'm New Here
Does anyone have any experiences, knowledge, or feelings about the Sensenich wood props for RV's? Thanks,
I had one on my 180hp RV6 for 1400hrs. Great prop, smooth and good performance. Sensenich is a good company to do business with too.

Martin Sutter
building and flying RV's since 1988
Sensenich Wood prop on RV

I have a Sensenich on my IO-360 Continental. Runs smooth. Have a few thousand miles on it. .....
I ran a Sensenich wood on my -6 before I got my Catto. The Sensenich is a great prop. The only problem I had with it is because of the wide blade plan form, it loads up considerably at the lower altitudes. I only got 2050 rpm static. It still pulls great even at the lower rpm. It is fantastic at altitude. I still have it for back up in case I ever need maintenance on the Catto.

I know I'm bringing this back from the dead. Do you remember the specs on your Sensenich Wood prop? I have one as well, and static is low like yours.
I know I'm bringing this back from the dead. Do you remember the specs on your Sensenich Wood prop? I have one as well, and static is low like yours.

I don't remember the specs. But it wouldn't compare to your situation anyway because I had a modified engine with 175 hp.
Sensenich worked with me building the prop specifically for my engine.