
Well Known Member
Was just informed of this yesterday (cross-posted by RV6_flyer on SoCal-RVlist). Cable Airport (CCB - Upland, CA) needs our support:


Quoting that page:
There will be an appeal process that starts at 5:30pm on Aug.7th at City Hall. I don?t know if the public will be allowed to speak at this session, but you will be allowed at the City Council meeting that follows this session at 7:00pm.


The address of City Hall is 460 North Euclid, the date is Monday, Aug.7, and the time will be 5:30 for the appeal and 7:00pm for the City Council Meeting. Please plan to attend!!!
Thats a shame, I grew up off 18th and Mountain and would spend many a day with my face pressed up to the fence watching the planes arrive and depart.
Airport appeal meeting posponed

Two bus loads of people from the airport showed up. The developer
(Lewis) is using a delaying tactic and the City Clerk rescheduled the
meeting till the 14th. As I understand it, the City has 45 days to
respond to the Appeal and the 45 days are up on the 28th. We may need to
go back to City Hall three (3) more times. The builder is good at
getting what they want.

Need to show up again at 5:30 on the 14th. May need to do it again on
the 21st and the 28th but will not know till after we show up. As I
said, the Developer (Lewis Homes) has played this game before and WON.
We need to make sure that they do not WEAR US down.

Are the AOPA aware of this?

Seems they (AOPA) do a lot of battle on keeping airports open.

Just a thought

dan said:
Was just informed of this yesterday (cross-posted by RV6_flyer on SoCal-RVlist). Cable Airport (CCB - Upland, CA) needs our support:

I don't think there is much I can do, from far away, but Cable Airport had a big impact on me, years ago.

My cousins lived in Upland, and we would make the trek from the New Mexico desert to the Golden State, every couple of years. I thought I was the one that really liked airplanes, but my cousin, a couple of years younger liked them also. We would bicycle to to the airport, maybe scarfing up a few oranges on the way. After all, they were on the ground and there were orchards everywhere.

We would watch the airplanes take off and land, and critique, until it was time to go back and have dinner.

When I was still in high school, my cousin, from Upland, sent a clipping about Walter Cable breaking an altitude record. Right around 40,000 feet in a Cessna Turbo 210.

Today, there aren't many orchards, my cousin is a captain for Alaska Airlines and I fly a little homebuilt RV.

I hope Cable Airport is there for a long time to come.
frankh said:
Seems they (AOPA) do a lot of battle on keeping airports open.

Just a thought


AOPA is aware. Not only have I but at least two others have made them aware.

Cable Airport (KCCB) is the largest privately owned public use airport in the world. It is owned by the Cable Land Company and the president is Bob Cable grandson of Dewey Cable the founder. Bob was talking to reporters tonight about all the volunteer groups that have a FREE home at the airport. The story he told should sway any Politian that does not have a hand in someone else's pocket. Not going to let any more of our ammunition out in a public forum. The DEVELOPERS have too much money and can / will fight everyone that they cannot BUY out.

When it is my turn to speak, I am gong to use my name with my title: Federal Aviation Adminstration Designated Airworthiness Represenative. That and $3 should get me a cup of coffee just about anywhere.
Cable News

This is terrible news. I learned to fly at Cable and can never remember a time when it was not there. It is one of those airports that has "character". Though I moved away serveral years ago I still know a few folks with influence in the community and I will start making my phone calls tonight. We simply can't let this happen. If you have never flown there, you should do so and you would understand how I feel. It is a great airport.
A few years ago we successfully defeated an attempt to turn most of our airport (08A) into an industrial park. (The photo below is a scan taken from one part of the enemy's brochure. Note the elimination of 08A's Runway 18-36.) Their game was "economic development", the classic big stick. We stole their stick and proposed a better economic development plan that also happened to protect the airport (develop the airport as a transportation hub, placing industrial development on land all around it). Played directly to planned land use, and made the city fathers look wise and farsighted.

In the end the city spent lots of money on our airport (new hangars, taxiways, RPZ land) but never followed through on our entire industrial plan. That's ok; at least the idea was convincing enough that they rejected the enemy plan and supported the airport. The trick is to cook up something that smells like tax revenue or jobs.

If I can help, mail me directly at (my name as below)@elmore.rr.com
