Hey Jim,

This is Eddy with the 9A. Their are some RV's at LNA and Wellington, not sure about F45. We have 8 RV's at HWO come on by some time. In fact I'm hosting an EAA party at my hangar on Oct. 24th. Get back to me if you want more info.

RV 9A 450 hrs
RV7A Finishing
EddyFernan at aol.com
Oct 24 - More Info


There are a couple of us at ZPH (3 9A's now) that may be interested if you have room to open the gathering to others. I'd enjoy flying down for a few hours. Always enjoy hearing from you.

Carl Raichle
RV 9A N194CR
Oct 24 - More Info

Come on down! All are welcome. Just need a head count for food. Fuel available near by.
10/24/09 KHWO NW T hangar #10 (near "learn to fly hangar"). It's a lunch event but we will be there from 8 am on setting up. I'll email you some info soon. I'm going to our EAA meeting tonight and we should be finalizing the details then.

Eddy Fernandez
954-914-5579 cell