
Well Known Member
Hi folks.
I'm hoping I can get my daughter a ride in an RV9. She lives in rural Salem on the east side of I-5. I live in Puyallup and only have about 12 hrs on my plane which, when I'm ready to hang up my spurs, I plan to gift to Jenny. She stays busy with my grandkids and farm life but always loved to fly with me.
I just want to rekindle the flames and let her know what she has to look forward to.
I'm more than willing to pitch in for fuel. PM me if you can help.
If Albany is Okay

If she doesn't mind a drive down to Albany (about 25 miles) and the timing is right, I can give her a ride in "My Beebe".
RV9 in Albany

I worked at Aurora a lifetime ago and made short trips to Albany and Cottage Grove just for fun. Wasn't there a fast food place at the south end?
Anyway, thanks for the offer. I'm sure she would try to find the time to meet up with you. I would like to give her a taste of RV flying but I only have about 12 hrs flown off of my 40.
How would you like to share info so you could meet up?
thanks again
Its a Chinese Restaurant Now

I have PM enabled, so you can PM me and I'll provide the contact info in response. Note: I'll be flying out to the area for the next four days and may not respond too quickly. Probably best to hold until Thursday - unless you get to it today.

Oh, there's also an "American food" restaurant to the north end of the field now too.