I got my first flight in an RV this week. The 12is sure is a nice little flier! The owner even let me do a few takeoffs and landings. The castering nose wheel takes a bit of adjustment when you're accustomed to steerable nose wheels, but it is easy to figure out. The wing size and loading makes it have a very light weight feel which my favorite passenger may find a bit unsettling, but I had no problem at all with it. Everything about the handling in the air is completely predictable and docile. Now I just need to get a ride in a 9A to see how it compares. Then maybe a 7, a 14, ..... :)
I got a ride in a 9A yesterday. I'm 6' 5" tall, nowhere near as limber as I used to be.

It's a few inches, at least, narrower than a RV-12, at the shoulders. It is a consideration if you fly for fun and you're a bigger guy, or you have a rearend with the width of a 747 jumbo jet.

This is probably not a consideration if you're still young and fit, and haven't been going out for $100 hamburger runs frequently, but instead have been going out for 5 miles runs, every other day.
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Rv9 is actually 1.5 inches wider then a 12, according to vans

It must be wider somewhere else besides where my shoulders are, because we were rubbing shoulders, and it wasn't comfortable, at all. Guess it depends on where you are measuring.

I guess I need a 14-A, then.