
Thanks for reminding me - I forgot to reserve a plane for the weekend! Hope to see you there!
RV Fly-in

Hello Mickey,

be sure to have a look here

I think there will be no other aircraft type be allowed now as the field is to small to accomodate that many visiting aircraft. May be you should make a direct inquiry to organizers. If you get an OK you will still have to get landing permission by DGAC, the airfield being for restricted use only.
Alternate field to use would be Beaune (LFGF).
Hope to meet your there
Also, sorry if I am mentioning something you probably know more about than I do but...just to be sure you don't get in trouble...

Flying in to and landing at LFGZ airfield will require you first obtain a special authorization from the French CAA. Please just fill out the following form. You will get back from the "DGAC Dijon" a special agreement valid for the "Nuits-Saint-Georges"

- Andy

-- he he ...looks like I was beat by 2 minutes... lol..
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