
Well Known Member
Friday 5/12/23 was a clear day here in the PNW. It was at the beginning of a warming trend bringing us our first heat wave of the year, several weeks early by the way, but was actually a very pleasant day.

We decided to go to Forks for lunch. The trip out was nice, and it was smooth for the portion that was over the water, but as we went inland, it got fairly bumpy.

The wind was mostly right down the runway and presented a comfortable breeze while we were on the ground.

Even with decent conditions, I still managed to botch the landing. I knew it would be that way as soon as I got on short final and saw Carl standing in the taxiway. Oh well, sometimes it can also be educational to have good video of a less than stellar landing.

Thermal turbulence had been building throughout the day. It was evident over the Olympics by the cumulus forming there. The rest of the peninsula, though not dotted with puffy white clouds, still experienced the same level of turbulence. On the way out, we once again made a bee line for the water and smoother air.

At least I made up for the bad landing at Forks when I got home. Of course, that was a more challenging set of circumstances, yet I made a better landing of it. Go figure.

Click the link or the photo to see the video.