Bill Britton

Well Known Member
I've been using Prekote followed by a sherwin williams 2 part epoxy primer. My paint (primer) is outdated now and I'm looking at other options. I'm considering alodine, the sanchem route (referece the other thread in this forum), and finally just priming the nonalclad parts and using something on all rivet/ intersection lines. I'm considering the latter because thus far I've been more less removing the alclad in the prep stage. I'm not sure if it's worth all the extra work or not. Not to mention that I'm removing the natural protection just to put an "artificial" layer of protection on.

Now, I'm not trying to start any debates or wars, but I need some constructive opinions on viable options. How much scrubbing is necessary in the prep stage with products like the sanchem line or alumiprep. If a guy uses alodine can you just dip the parts in the alodine only (not use the alumiprep)??? I'm looking for a way to get around all the "scrubbing" of parts if there is such a product.

Finally, is there a website that outlines various priming methods and their application???

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bill Britton
RV-10 Elevators #40137
My understanding is that you need to use alumiprep before alodine.
You do not have to scrub a lot - just enough to roughen the surface for adhesion - just like you would do when cleaning with solvent before a rattle can primer. You're not removing the alclad layer.

-8 wings
My suggestion would be to look in the primer wars section here, see what everyone else is using, and call the manufacturers directly. Forget the advertising or what anyone else thinks (including myself). Tell the manufacturer your application, and most of them will tell you straight up that their product is not designed to do what you want to do....they're designed to be topcoated. A couple will say "Oh yeah, no problem."

I could tell you what I use and why, but what would be the point? Everyone has a different comfort level. It is important to contact the manufacturers and see what they say. You may be surprised.
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Primer contact suggetion

Try calling the PolyFiber folks. I spent much time talking to vendors and chose their products. I agree...there are many suggestions and opinions on the 'primer war' topic. I say call PolyFiber based on the questions I had, the logic behind their recommendations, and the sheer amount of time they spent with me. Oh yea, the stuff is tough as nails...and I will continue to use it. Contact me off-line if you would like and I'll walk you through the process that I am using...and why I think so highly of it. (I'm not using alumiprep.)

RV-10 Fuse, finish kit on order.
what to do, what to do...

Pete - please log on - I sent you a private message.
I've been following the primer wars for a while now and still haven't decided, and construction starts soon...
I was poking around the internet looking for Boeing Boegel (now AC-131) since Boeing knows their business, and Boelube is such a great product. I don't know... has anybody had experience with it?
In military tests, TCP sounds terrific, but I don't think you can get it outside of the Navy. Sanchem with the sealer sounds good for interior surfaces.
It all makes my head spin. I'm just about ready to say the heck with it - if the alclad isn't compromised, no primer!