
Well Known Member
I'm ready to paint the interior of my 7A QB and want some information on painting over the wash primer. I intend to use Rustoleum cans.

Do I need to reprime or apply paint directly to the wash primer?

Should I scuff with scotchbright or just spray?

Lacquer thinner takes the wash off if scrubbed enough but I think a quick and easy wipe would be OK.

I plan to test some techniques on the back side of the baggage bulkhead but would like to learn from the experiences of others.

denatured alcy

I scrubbed Van's wash primer pretty well with denatured alcohol, and in most places the paint adhesion (Sherwin Williams JetFlex) was excellent -- in a coupla very small places, nossagood. The problem, I think, was all the WD-40 that gets sprayed on to resist the ocean trip. I think that in some places where the WD was really thick or trapped in cracks, I probably needed to scrub more. Next time, I'd prolly scrub much more to make darn sure the WD-40 was gone, and would also scuff up slicker areas - even at the expense of some of the primer layer.

BTW: the JetFlex adheres beautifully to well-prepped pieces. I'll definitely be using it on future projects (e.g. my Helicycle).
I'm just curious - does the S-W Jetflex come in rattle cans, or does it need to be applied with a spray gun?
ge9a said:
I'm just curious - does the S-W Jetflex come in rattle cans, or does it need to be applied with a spray gun?
I bought a gallon and gunned it on. I don't know if you can find it in rattlers.
From all I've heard it's better to scuff. We used Fantastic to clean, then Scotbrite pads (red) then clean again before priming/painting. That's what Steve Raddatz said and he's built three at least! So far so good. Good luck. Bill
The oil used to preserve the QB parts during shipment is definitely not WD-40. It's much waxier and difficult to remove.

I did manage to paint some parts after careful cleaning with wax/oil/grease remover (Semsolve), But it's almost impossible to get into the cracks and around rivets

I solved most of the problem by covering the interior with Flightline Interiors' kit.
I still needed to clean to spray the 3M adhesive, but not as thouroughly as paint.

Any reason not to wash down the entire fuse once you receive it with one of the compressor powered solvent guns and some mineral spirits, etc. ? (Like what I use to wash down the engine at annual?)
Seems like this would remove a lot of the oil and maybe get in the cracks, etc.

Any thoughts?

-8 wings