
My name is Steve and I'm a professor at Palm Beach Atlantic University and live in Coral Springs. I became a private pilot many years ago and am planning on becoming current again. I can't get enough of the RVs but have never seen one or been in one. I would love to get an up close look at one! If anyone would be willing to let me introduce myself and get up close to your pride and joy I'll buy you lunch!
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Sven, or is it Steve???

Who cares------Welcome to VAF:D

Good to have you here, this is the best place to learn things RVish.

Bet you will get an offer on that free lunch soon.....
Thanks Mike
Actually its both, Steve is my name and Sven is a nick name I've had since I was a kid...last name's Vensel.
Welcome, Sven!

My sincerest welcome to you, Sven.

I would think there are several RV pilots in your area of Florida. You might try looking at Doug's white pages which can be accessed on the "RV White Pages" tab over on the left side of the main page of . It should take you to the same place as this link. Once there you should be able to look under the state of Florida for RV owners/builders in your area. Notice a column over on the right indicates stage of construction including "flying."

I would be surprised if you don't get a response from your initial post on this thread.

Good luck! You'll find that flying an RV is like stepping into a different world after flying the typical Cessna, Piper, etc. Then you'll notice the "RV Grin" when you look into a mirror.

Good luck, and remember there are no dumb questions on here. But as a word of advice, sometimes you might be asked why you didn't do a "search" of the archives before asking your question. So be forewarned. :)
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My name is Steve and I'm a professor at Palm Beach Atlantic University and live in Coral Springs. I became a private pilot many years ago and am planning on becoming current again. I can't get enough of the RVs but have never seen one or been in one. I would love to get an up close look at one! If anyone would be willing to let me introduce myself and get up close to your pride and joy I'll buy you lunch!

Be prepared... it could be an expensive look see! :D You'll be surely hooked if you fly in one. :eek:
second offer here.

its an old bird with 3,900 hrs as of today. i like lunch any time. come on up farther to stuart for a look or ride. you can email me from my profile.
Thanks so much for the info. I've PM both and I really appreciate the generosity. I look forward to seeing your RVs!
Demo ride offer

If you get down to the Ft. Lauderdale area, I will be honored to give you a demo in our RV6A. I have to warn you that so far I've sold 5 kits based on "demo" rides. Turbo Eddy is a great friend of mine and has similar experiences. I will also be at an event this month at Banyons Air Service at FXE and if you can make it there, just let me know and we'll do a ride.
Roger (Woodman) 954-829-2959
I'm there Roger! That plane looks a lot like the one on the RV website under the standard kit tab. I already left a voice mail. My son worked at Banyan for a year or so when he was in High school. I look forward to speaking with you.
Are you referring to the event this Saturday the 9th because I can be there.
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Sorry for not returning your call Steve. My voicemail isn't working for some reason. The event I'm speaking of takes place April 23rd. I could meet you at an airport somewhere this Saturday if you like. Call me again after 2:00PM.
Turbo is right that Dale Walter is the photographer.
I had just an incredible time with Roger in RV-6 Saturday! Here's some pics to prove it.

Here's Roger picking me up.

Here we are with the centerfold!

And here he is waiting for the Boca ATCs meds to kick in, because they were insane, to get back home!

Thanks Roger, you're the best!