
Well Known Member
After buying another quart of Variprime and converter at the auto paint supply store, the salesman noted that I could save about 50% if I used Nason brand self-etching primer and converter. He went on to say Nason is Dupont's budget line of products. The writing on the can is almost identical to the real McCoy. The can even has the Dupont logo on the front. Asked about the difference he said the Nason product doesn't cover quite as heavily as the Dupont and is made in Mexico. Anyone ever try this stuff?
I've used it in industry, in a very corrosive and hostile to paint environment. It performed better than I would have expected. Proper surface preparation is important. Places where I could degrease well, The paint job performed well. Very strong vapors. Wear breathing protection when using it.

Bob S
I'm using it on my RV. I use it for big panels where weight is a factor and over riveted exterior skins. It seems to be very tough and does not sand through easily after curing. I use a two part epoxy primer around the rivets to fill the gaps with Super Koropon. This gets away from etching around the rivets with Alumaprep and the Koropon sands easily after filling around the rivets. All in all, the Nason etch primer has impressed me and I also use Nason Urethane for my topcoat.
Cheers, Pete
I'm using Variprime then Nason topcoat. I'm getting good results now that I've learned how to paint! I'm using a gravity feed gun, 60 psi. I give an initial light fog coat, then two heavier coats and that's it.
I'm painting before final assembly.