Jr Hampton

Active Member
And so it begins.... Completed both practice kits, some mistakes, some learning,some blood. Joined EAA 732 and went to first chapter meeting. Met Lemmingman and some othe neat folks. Today 1/24/13 I ordered my empennage kit. Good luck to me. :eek:

Today 1/24/13 I ordered my empennage kit. Good luck to me. :eek:

Welcome to the club! Ordered my empennage on 11/28 and now I'm getting to the end of the kit .. working on the elevators.

I had my first ride in a 7 this past weekend; one of the local builders and VAF members took me up. Oh, what sweet airplane. Did some acro and flew some rolls, steep turns, wingovers. I can't wait till mine is done!
Thank you. I'm just that confident in Vans and the 7 I have not even sat in one. :eek: Maybe I can convince someone in EAA732 to give me ride soon.

Ordered New HS404 and HS405 and HS710.. Took too much off the 710
and Edge Distance would not work. So I started the Vertical Stab. Much easier. Now I have a sick dog taking all my attention.

So... After spending the better part of the night setting the ribs to the front spar on the Vert Stab , rather difficult, I did a stupid thing. Messed up one rivet on VS 706 and drilled it out. Kept getting worse.. Finally I decided to drill to set 5 rivet. well.... I dont have any of those.. Should've thought of that before I drilled.. So.. I measured edge distance redrilled for #30 and set it. Im now left with this. Is this no good or a pass ?

I'm no expert so hopefully other guys will chime in. I dont like that there is a gap between the parts as it sits. Do you plan to get another rivet in the open hole? If so, and that gets rid of the gap, I think you are fine. Once again, I don't feel even remotely qualified to give advice but there are plenty of guys on here that can.
Dont even know what I was thinking..

No good. Decision made. Drilled out the other rivets for the other ribs (thankfully no damage) and will replace front spar and top rib. On a better note, got my replacement parts for the Horizontal Stab. Re-bent the front spar reinforce bar 6 deg.and drilled my HS405 holes perfect. Cleco'd left skin on and marked for other ribs and all edge distances are beautiful. wheeeeew. I was really about to cry.. BUT THERE'S NO CRYING IN AIRPLANCE BUILDING !