
Well Known Member
So we're finding out our baby's sex in a couple weeks and thought it would be sweet to do a gender reveal with and RV and colored smoke oil. Problem is, I don't have a smoke system or know anyone nearby yet that does. Is anyone in the Reno-Carson area willing to try to help me make this happen? Did I mention I can pay in the homebrew of your choice? ;)
Not to rain on your parade- congratulations!!

Although with the way people are get maimed with gender reveals these days...

Maybe somebody out there has new technology or a jet!
Not to rain on your parade- congratulations!!

Although with the way people are get maimed with gender reveals these days...

Maybe somebody out there has new technology or a jet!

Yes, it used to be that the three most dangerous words in aviation were "hey, watch this." Then came "hold my beer." Now, they seem to be "its a boy."
Not to rain on your parade- congratulations!!

Although with the way people are get maimed with gender reveals these days...

Maybe somebody out there has new technology or a jet!

With all the canceled airshows the demo teams need something to do, right? :cool: