
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Created today on the chance it will take off, so to speak. If you would like to submit your 3,000+ pixel-wide image to me, please do. My SmugMug plan says it's 'unlimited' storage...let's find out. Not in this thread of course, this is really just an announcement of the SmugMug album creation (you email me the pic).

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This is great, but...

I have started researching panels and i must admit, I feel completely overwhelmed. This is a great idea.
Is it possible we can ask each poster to supply a short description of what is in the panel, why they chose those items and what was the logic behind the panel layout?

[ed. Hi John!

This new SmugMug album (seperate from this thread) is really just for high res pics, not words. In each RV model subforum there is already a 'sticky' at the top called 'Show us your panel'. That's for the lengthy descriptions if the poster wishes. This new album, with large images emailed to me and displayed in nearly actual size, is just a way to show HUGE versions of images, something not conducive to the formating layout of a forum.

One side benefit of this is that the poster can, once the image is uploaded, later reference the URL in the appropriate 'Show me your panel' thread if they wish.

Hope this answers your question and best regards,
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