
Well Known Member
I have an RV-10 Kit loaded in crates on a 18 foot flatbed trailer that I'm driving from Texas to Virginia. I was going to store this in a garage at my Mom's until I could find suitable build space in Northern VA.

When I got there last night I found out the garage is too small for the trailer.

Does anyone have a building I can store this trailer( Total length with tongue is about 22', width about 97") anywhere in Virginina between Lynchburg and Northern VA????

I have no place to store the trailer in N VA where I'm heading an must find a place to store it this weekend at least temporarily.

Call cell

Richard Bibb
Hangar Space


I don't know if you need a place to work on your RV-10, but I am looking for an RV builder to share a hangar at the Manassas airport. I have an RV-6A.

Regards, Randy
Well I have an RV-4 in Texas I need to get up here as well. I might be up for sharing a hangar at HEF for that. Used to be based at HEF before but not all that thrilled about ADIZ or whatever they call it now hassles. Probably looking at KHWY to base at.

I do need a place to build and am looking for warehouse space to do so in.

In any event hope to meet you sometime soon.
