
Considering a flight from Sacramento area to Gilbert, AZ. Any advice? RV12 driver, so stop halfway for refuel. My sister is in Power Ranch in Gilbert. Thinking Mesa-Gateway. What should I know about the airspace? Local FBO recommendation? Easier routes in and out?
Airspace around PHX - dense training activity

I'm sorry I can't give you specifics, but just wanted to make you aware of the very busy training traffic in and around PHX.

The AOPA Safety Foundation podcast had an interview with a survivor of a mid-air recently. During the interview, she mentioned that there are designated frequencies and flight patterns to help reduce the conflicts - unfortunately I don't have any more specifics.This website might have some helpful info:

I'd be interested in hearing about your trip as I hope to be flying in the area soon.
Gilbert, AZ

Phoenix is Class B Airspace, but not particularly challenging. Lots of SUA, Restricted Areas and MOAs linked to military training. One is hazardous to your certificate, both potentially hazardous to your backside. Wildfire season here, as it is for you, so watch for fire-related TFRs. AZ looks to be a swing state in this year's election, so Presidential and VP TFRs can pop up with relatively little warning. Again, nothing that different than flying elsewhere.

KIWA has a ramp/parking fee as I recall. Haven't been there o/n, but I think it was $25 if just there for the day; waived with enough $ spent on fuel, or at the attached restaurant (open now???). I don't recall landing fees at either KFFZ or KCHD, which may also be good options for you, but it's been awhile since I was at either, so worth checking. Again like much of CA, this time of year turbulence can reach to 12K or so, so flying high can often yield a smoother ride. This year's monsoon season has been renamed the nonsoon, but if dewpoints get into the mid 50s or above, t-storms can get pretty active, most commonly in late afternoon/early evening.

Enjoy the trip.

Go to Falcon or Chandler, NO on IWA, they are a pain with scheduled airlines out of there.
You can drive right up to you plane at FFZ to load or unload, super easy.
I think parking is like 5 bucks a day at FFZ. FYI it's HOT here!!!! 115 now, afternoon thunderstomer/dust stormers common this time of year.
Nothing wrong with Gateway procedurally. It's at about the 5:00 position from the PHX class B. The only airline that flies in there is Allegiant, so it's not like it's super busy. Don't know about landing fees.

Chandler and Falcon Field are options as well. Falcon is pretty close to Gilbert as I recall.

Stay away from Deer Valley at all costs. I worked out there about a decade ago and at that time the training activity caused hold times like DFW. It was mostly international students from the Chinese and Korean airlines so maybe its different now with Covid, But either way, it's quite a bit further to drive to Gilbert that Gateway, Falcon or Chandler.
Gateway is closest to Power Ranch. But have no PIREPs for Gateway. Chandler is second closest and Falcon would be a short drive, as well. Give Chandler a call and ask about parking, car access, etc. They’re very nice in the office. Both FBOs are good and one is open 7 days a week. Two avionics shops, both good.

The amount of training flights feels non-existent compared to last March and later! Far fewer aircraft in the training areas and the pattern. If you have ADS-B, Class B, you’ll see them. But I recommend flight following. Many of the controllers are GA guys. On my November Sky Harbor Tower/TRACON tour, they highly recommend flight following to help avoid traffic, heavys, airspace, etc. They sincerely want to help GA pilots and give them good service.

Have a great trip!
Gateway or Chandler

Both have their own concerns. Gateway right now is also an extremely busy Fire Base. Otherwise not tough to get in an out of. Chandler can be a fur ball with all the training activity.

Just do your planning. As has been mentioned, Gateway is closer to Power Ranch. Chandler however is only about 20 minutes farther.

Thanks for all the info everyone. I'm leaning towards Chandler. I always pick up Flight Following when going cross-country more than an hour or so, so I should be in good hands. Now just deciding on a fuel stop half-wayish. Rosamond or General Fox. Any input one way or the other?
FWIW, I've flown to the Phoenix area a few times from KLHM and stop half way for fuel at 74P- Calvada Meadows. It's a nice quiet stop and easy to get in and out of without bother.
Fuel Stop

I have usually stopped at Fox (Lancaster). Winds can be a little sporty, perhaps 25 knots, but are USUALLY closely aligned with the runway. SS Fuel is very convenient, right about at the mid-field turnoff. With a castering nosewheel, the potential to overheat brakes needs to be assessed when taxiing.

Restaurant/restrooms are near the pumps. Traffic is usually sparse enough that you can duck in for a bio break w/o needing to move the A/C away from the pumps (multiple) to tie-downs, assuming someone else is securing the plane in the breeze.

I've not landed a Mojave, where gas tends to be about $1.00/g less, but that might be an alternative. My flights have tended to be weekdays, and the proximity to the Edwards complex rendered it out of the way. However, if you're going on a weekend, you might consider it. "Sport", which controls the Edwards restricted airspace, usually shuts down and turns the airspace over to Joshua Appr. I'm told, but don't have personal data, that Joshua may clear you through the Restricted Airspace when Edwards isn't active. I've even heard that it's sometimes possible to get a low approach over the Edwards runway--presumably with a restriction to keep your RV subsonic... If you asked Joshua far enough out, you could make a decision based on what they told you they would allow on departure (eastbound). Just a thought...
Thanks again guys!

Thanks for all the help and suggestions all. Trip was good, flights both ways uneventful. Chose Chandler and had no issues. Pretty easy FBO to deal with; $9 per night tie down with one night waived with fuel purchase. Lots of planes launching out on Sunday morning when I left; maybe 10-12 in line at run-up area waiting to depart.
Stopped at KAPV Apple Valley on way to Chandler for fuel, and KTSP Tehachapi on way back to Grass Valley.