
Well Known Member
I've looked through the archives and seen lots of different places to mount the floscan device and figure I'll put it in the center "tunnel" area. To those of you that mounted it on the floor, how did you actually mount it? Did you actually bolt it through the floor skin?
floscan mount

No, I supported mine with insulating foam and built a blister over top.



Vern, Do you get much of a change in flow numbers when the fuel pump is turned on? My flow meter is after the gascolator and when the fuel pump is turned on it goes up a few GPH. I know about the issues with the damper in the system, I was just wondering if Vern's install eliminated the problem.
Mounted it on top of tunnel cover (big picture)

I did not want to put a hole in the floor and especially did not want a bolt sticking into airstream. Also, it did not fit well under the tunnel cover and this worked out better for the bends from the high pressure pump. Fwd of the pump and aft of the firewall is the only place that works for the design specs for keeping straight runs before and after the sensor.
The picture does not show it, but I built a cover for it, such that there is a cover running all the way from the pump cover to the forward/vertical portion of the tunnel cover.

-btw, I later split the tunnel cover into horizontal and vertical portions and installed an angle and some nutplates for final assembly. I have been glad I did this several times already. It makes access to the heater connection much easier when the rudder pedals are in place, etc.

I mounted a phenolic block to the floor by running flush screws up through the floor. Then mounted the transducer to the block. The mounting holes were all tapped into the phenolic block. Been working fine for 13 years. Yes, the flow will show an increase with the boost pump running.

N916K said:
Vern, Do you get much of a change in flow numbers when the fuel pump is turned on? My flow meter is after the gascolator and when the fuel pump is turned on it goes up a few GPH. I know about the issues with the damper in the system, I was just wondering if Vern's install eliminated the problem.

I don't see much of a change. My install works fine, but if I were to do it again, I'd put it forward of the firewall.

I saw some install pics that had a take-off from the right outlet of the gascolator, looping over top the gascolator, to the floscan, then to the mechanical fuel pump.

The advantage of this is: no blister, no extra fuel couplings in the cockpit, and the gascolator is a filter for pulsations caused by the electric fuel pump.

Downside.... I don't know if heat affects the floscan.
