
Well Known Member
Gotta fly to the DC area on Monday, 19 Sept. '11, in my Rocket. Have a friend picking me up at Shannon Airport, VA (KEZF). I'll be there through Wednesday am, the 21st. Any advice on the area? Hangar availability, do I have to file IFR to get into Shannon, etc? Called the airport and the nice man said $25/night for a hangar which to be fair, is not bad, but I don't have much info on flights into the "circle(s) of doom" around the capital!

Any help would be appreciated.


You do not need to file IFR as Shannon is outside the SFRA. You do need to go onto the FAA website and take the online course and test on operating in the vicinity of the SFRA. Its no big deal but should you screw up and violate the airspace your life will get uncomfortable. Use of flight following is advised.

Welcome to DC area.
Thanks for checking in RBibb. I'll coordinate with Center at least on the final leg then. I read the FAA website (and several others last night). Just couldn't tell if the new circle that includes KEZF meant that a clearance was required.


Good catch, Mike. No, I had just read about the DC FRZ and DC SFRA and had not taken the FAA/FAAST Course. I have just finished it now.

Having said that, my real question all along was whether or not Shannon (KEZF) was within the SFRA. It would appear that it is not, but I was still advised not to land there without establishing comm with ATC.

That's no problem, just trying to make sure I don't have to file an SFRA flight plan.

Thanks for the input,


Shannon is not in the SFRA and there is absolutely no reason you need to speak to ATC. Who ever advised you of this is not familiar with the SFRA. I fly out of it so know the procedures intimately. The controllers around DC are busy enough and really don't want to talk to you unless you have a reason to communicate with them and just being close to the SFRA boundary and want a warm fuzzy good feeling just clogs up the frequencies. Glad you took the course, that is required.
Perfect! Thanks, Mike. I went in there 6-7 years ago and it was VFR rules all the way, but I wanted to make sure that hadn't changed. There is a lot of info in the FAA course video; glad it was recommended to me.

I would SO not want to offend a Fed.

Semper Fi...

Watch those displaced threshholds

Thanks, Todd. We're ready when you are---the sooner the better!


Pay heed to those displaced threshholds. One brings you over the railroad tracks with minimal train/tire clearance (and it's tough to see a train approaching from either side). The other keeps you clear of crossing road traffic. The runway is deceptively short. You'll love the folks there.
Thanks for the heads up, Scroll. All it says on AirNav is that the first 89' are "unusable". I'll be careful with that.

What's the deal with shooting the RNAV approach to 24? Looks like you have to go into the DC SFRA in order hold at DURWO. Will Potomac Approach give you vectors direct to DURWO or ZADMN?


If you are on an IFR flight plan then you do not need a separate SFRA flight plan. If you want to shoot a practice approach you'll need to file an SFRA flight plan if you want to enter the SFRA.