
Well Known Member
Just wanted to let all the "lurkers" out there know that there are a few more slots available for the SportAir RV Assembly workshop in Corona, CA next weekend (Sep 9-10, 2006). Here's some basic info on the course:

http://www.sportair.org/workshops/RV Assembly.html

There's no better time than the present to start building your RV! I took this workshop (with Tom Emery) when I started out, and it was hands down the best thing I could have done.

NOTE: As an instructor I do NOT get paid more if more people sign up. Just letting you know there are slots available.
tvlawyer said:
What's there to do in lovely Corona at night?
Watch TV at the hotel? :rolleyes: There are probably a few bars & there's a good restaurant or two. I'm not much of a socialite, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask...
This is a great way to get started

Let me add my strong support to this workshop. If you're not sure if "I can do this," or think it's too hard, or just need a little motivation and confidence, this is a weekend well-spent.

Plus you get to spend it with kindred spirits, talking airplanes, learning new skills, and trying not to drill holes through the fingers of a new buddy!