
I'm looking to meet up with any RV builders in the SoFla area. I've been wanting to build for a few years but haven't had an opportunity to check out an aircraft up close and to get a sense for the size of the interior. I'm split between an 8 or a 14....I like the idea of the 8 but wondering if the extra room of the 14 would win the day.

Thanks in advance,

I could sweeten the pot with a bottle of scotch in return for the help.... I'm just looking to see a finished aircraft in person. Show the wife... That kinda thing.
Bump for Kevin

I could sweeten the pot with a bottle of scotch

I wish my aircraft was finished and an 8 or 14 model. :D

Someone will see the thread Kevin I know there are many RVators in South Florida.
about the only chance you will get to checkout a complete 14 is to head to lakeland in a couple of weeks. as there are only 3 complete 14's in the country right now. as you are only a few hours away by car and even less by air from there, it would be a great chance to check out the whole line up of RV's. I would take you up for a ride in mine but its a rv-4 and on the other side of the swamp.

bob burns
RV8 vs RV14

Hey Kev.

Well First of all Congratulations! in regards to model selection; it all depends what are you trying to accomplish with the aircraft? Typical use/mission. Family? Load? Etc....I can add that "Most" nervous flying wive's dont like the tandem seating (RV8) and prefer the side by side (RV14).

Let us know what you decide and the factors used. As an aircraft sales professional selling CERTIFIED SPAM CANS, I am always interested in the selections thought process of each individual.
